Chasing Memories

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Please be kind and kudos are more than appreciated if you have any ideas as to what you want to see let me know and I might add it into the story. Thx to everyone who is reading this!!!

Regina quickly whips open the door to her dorm and stomps to her room leaving her blonde roommates Mal and Cruella wondering where the hell she had just come from, because she had disappeared the night before without so much as a word. Mal and Cruella were older than Regina, but they were still close friends. Maleficent Gryffin, or Mal as they called her,  was a tall, lithe dark blonde with azure eyes and no filter when she talked. Cruella DeVille was also tall and thin but her hair was lighter in color than Mal's with icy blue eyes. Mal glances at Cruella with a puzzled scowl on her face.
"Wonder where she went last night?" Mal questioned.
"I don't know, but she must have had fun, did you see the size of the hickies on her neck?" Cruella retorted.
"Yeah I did, but doubt we'll find out what happened anytime soon."
Regina flings open her bedroom door, slams it shut then flops onto her soft plush queen sized bed with a grunt and clutches her head again in pain. The constant stabbing was becoming too much so she gets up off of her bed, trudges to her bathroom, grabbing some Tylenol and downs the pills before marching back to her room. The dark brunette flings herself back onto her bed covering her head with her pillow.
She falls asleep, and starts dreaming about what happened last night.
Walking through the living room of Emma's dorm room, Regina saw her over by the keg in the kitchen, and her dark chocolate eyes found emerald ones in a shared glance before Mal and Cruella approached her.
"What are you looking at?" Mel questioned.
"Oh....uh....nothing, I thought I saw Robin over there. Wait, there he is!"
Robin appeared by the keg, grabbing a cup and started pumping the keg furiously, anxious to get some beer. Opening the nozzle he poured himself a cup, and then looked up seeing Regina he smirked at her nodding his head, and started walking towards her.
"Hey Regina, you look gorgeous tonight, then again you always look gorgeous. Do you want something to drink?"
"Uh sure, I'll take a beer please." silently asking Robin to go away quietly before turning her attention to where Emma had been standing, not finding her there.
"What was that about?" Cruella grilled.
"I don't know what you're talking about." Regina answered.
Mal looks at her incredulously "You just blew him off like he was some servant or something."  
Rolling her eyes dramatically "Whatever, just leave it alone."
"I will not!" Mal practically screamed.
The dark tressed beauty growls "I'm just getting tired of Robin. I don't know why, I just am."

Emma walked towards Ruby and Belle, they were deep in conversation with Killian about what they were going to do after graduation next year.
"I'm thinking about joining the Navy, I need to pay off my loans for college somehow." Killian sighed.
"Kinda late to be joining the Navy don't you think?" Ruby said implying his procrastination.
"Hey! I'm not procrastinating, I'm just a delayed thinker!"
"Babe, that was kinda rude." Belle scolded Ruby in her Australian tone.
"Sorry Killian, You know I've got no internal filter most of the time." Ruby grumbled her apology.
"Hey Emma." Killian greeted, as he placed a possessive arm around his girlfriend. Emma started squirming right away.

Regina saw this and wondered if she had a chance with her, but pushed those thoughts aside finding it ludicrous. Figuring she had Killian, why in the world would she ever even consider something seemingly so out of character.

Regina awoke to banging at her bedroom door.
"Hey! Regina! Wake up and talk to us already! We wanna know where you went last night!" Mal shouts.
"Go away! I don't wanna talk about it!"
"Aww come on! You have to come out sooner or later!" Cruella yells.
Regina struggles to get up from her cushy bed, opens the door and plops down in a squishy chair in the living room.
"Now, what do you want?" Regina grumpily asks.
"Really? Where the hell did you go last night? We thought you came home early, but when we got here you were nowhere to be found!" Mal says in an accusatory tone.
"If I tell you, you cannot freak out ok?"
Looking at each other silently agreeing to not freak out, Mal and Cruella nod their heads and answer in unison "We won't freak out, promise on our antique Vogue magazines."
"I was with Emma."
Mal takes a deep breath and runs the palm of her hand over her face "What do you mean you were with Emma? Did you hang out all night or what? I'm confused."

"I don't really remember what I did all night, all I remember is waking up with a horrible hangover." Regina fibbed.

Cruella chimed in "Well maybe you got lucky, Robin was there last night after all."

"I really don't remember but Robin wasn't there this morning when I woke up." she said in her throaty voice.

"That's bullshit, you have to remember something!" Mal interjected.
Deeply sighing Regina hangs her head and  yawns "I know I know! I don't remember exactly what happened, all I know is that I woke up naked! I got dressed and got out of there as fast as I could!"
Eyes as big as dinner plates Mal shouts "Naked?!! You woke up naked?!! Was there anyone in bed with you when you woke up?"
Regina cringes hoping she stops yelling "No there wasn't." not mentioning that she woke up in Emma's bed.
"You've got to remember what happened! Not just for your sanity but ours as well!" Cruella adds.
Knowing she needs to talk to Emma, Ruby and Belle she hesitates for a second "Yes, I know I do. I just don't know how to jog my memory."

Emma returns to her dorm pissed beyond belief, tosses her jacket on her bedroom floor and her keys on the nightstand next to her bed with a metal clank.

Following her to her bedroom Belle stands in the doorway with a sympathetic look "Ruby told me what happened. It didn't go so well with Regina did it?"

Sad puppy dog eyes look back at her "No, it didn't at all. She didn't even say a word to me. She just kind of looked at me, dazed then ran into the dorm."

"Do you remember anything at all from last night yet?"

Emma lied "Nothing important."

"Where's Ruby?" the curly headed blonde inquired.

"She went out looking for you. She thought you might have gone to see Regina, evidently she was right. She called to tell me she passed you on the way there as you left."

Grumbling she sits down on the edge of her bed "Great, now I'm gonna get the third degree from both of you."

Storming through the dorm door Ruby starts to grill Emma "So what was that all about, you running after Regina like your pants were on fire?"

Trying to defuse the situation Belle says "Babe, just give her some space, she'll tell us when she's ready right Emma?"

Afraid that her voice would give her away Emma reassures "Absolutely Belle!" Knowing that it was only a matter of time before Ruby gave her the fifth degree again, she gets up off of the love seat she has been sitting on and wanders to her room but not without grabbing a strawberry Pop Tart and a tall cup of hot chocolate with cinnamon.

As she sits on her bed, cluttered with clean clothes that needs to hang up, she racks her befuddled mind trying to remember what happened last night, coming up with nothing new. Getting extremely flustered she gets up and goes to her paint laden easel where she has a 11" x  14" canvas on it with a bare palette aching for fresh paint. After changing into her "painting clothes", which consisted of a paint spattered t-shirt underneath baggy overalls equally spattered with paint, she reached for her tubes of acrylic paints. The blonde grabs the palette and squeezes thick blobs of paint on it and starts to paint absentmindedly.

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