Climb into My Heart

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Regina came screeching to a halt, standing in her lacy underwear, mouth agape,  staring at the shocked figure still standing in the doorway. Emma, on the other hand, whirled around, bolting back to the bedroom. Regina waited until the door closed all the way until she chastised the intruder, “Mal! What the hell is your problem!” Getting flustered Regina spat out without thinking.

Letting out an annoyed sigh the older blonde, still covering her eyes replied, “First of all is she gone?”

“YES! She went to our bedroom!” Regina yelled while flailing her arms.

Uncovering her hazel eyes, Mal looked at her dorm mate. “Oh for crying out loud Regina! Go put a robe on or something!” Reprimanding, she rolled her eyes dramatically, motioning to the brunette’s room with a hand flourish, and continued, “Then we’ll talk!”

Sauntering to the shared bedroom, Regina spotted her girlfriend getting her pale yellow tank top on, already having put her underclothes and jean shorts on. “Mal says she’s sorry,” Regina fibbed, looking down at the floor, a dead giveaway that she had told a white lie. 

Looking up, smirking and giving a little huff Emma responded, “No she didn’t,” she hinted, telling Regina that she caught her in her little lie. “But I appreciate the thought babe.”

Grabbing her black button up tank top with the collar, Regina threw it on, along with a pair of pleated tan shorts. She tiptoed over to her girlfriend as the blonde was brushing her hair in the bathroom and kissed her neck, whispering in her ear, “You don’t have to come out if you don’t want to sweetheart.” Her chin rested on her shoulder. “If you’re embarrassed that is, but I wouldn't be embarrassed if I had a body like yours.” Stepping away from her, she winked before the blonde could respond and opened the door.

Mal had put her suitcase in her room and gracefully walked back to the living room like she was floating on air and gently sat down on the larger couch checking texts, waiting for Regina to come back out.

Reappearing in the room, Regina gracefully sat down on the love seat and asked, “So….” Drawing out the lone word before continuing, “....are you going to tell me why you’re here two months early or not?”

Clearing her throat the tall blonde responded, “Well I saw how ‘dire’ your situation had become and decided to cut my vacation short to come help you out.”

Eyeballing her, Regina crossed her arms and questioned her further. “Why do I have a feeling you’re not telling me the complete truth?”

Gasping dramatically Mal retorted, “What? I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Faking at being offended at the notion that she was lying.

Pressing her lips together, thinning them out, and tilting her head the younger woman kept asking, “Really Mal? Quit playing games and tell me already!” Getting more and more irritated.

Just then Emma came out of the bedroom and sat next to her girlfriend. “Hey Mal, what are you doing back so early?” Developing a mischievous grin she teased, “You’re parents get tired of putting up with your craziness already?”

Giving Emma a dirty look Mal said forcefully, “Just for that I’m not going to tell you what you can do about your little problem that is Cora Mills!” Her nose stuck in the air, eyes looking down at the two lovebirds.

“Shit, really?!” Emma curiously asked, eyes wide eager with attention. “I’m sorry Mal! I was just joking, you should know that by now!”

“Well if you must know, my parents heard that my GPA had plummeted and sent me back early to make up some electives that I failed,” she answered, head hung in shame. Recovering quickly, she picked her head up, looked at Regina and offered her some information, “Well anyway, what I figured out is that your father put a stipulation in his will stating that you may have access to your inheritance early without your mother’s permission as long as you've turned 21 and are still in school and you’re in good standing.” She said proudly and stuck her nose back in the air with a bit of arrogance.
Regina doubted what she was telling her, “Wait a minute.” Brow furrowed hands starting to move as she talked. “My mother told me that she has complete control over my inheritance and that it was up to her when I got it!” Getting red with anger.

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