As i arrive in the hanger i see one, of the copilots in a corner i asked them if they could hop in the tail gunner spot they said gladly my pilot died, he was caught in the blast of the second bomb. About a minute later we got the bird up in the air and brought the fight back to them. When we took off a Jap saw us so we started shooting instantly, he was diving for us hoping to take us out at any cost, we shot up the right wing and tail flap he lost control but was still heading for us i wasn't even 300 feet in the air yet. I thought it was the end but at the last second the plane missed us i could feel the heat coming off the burning plane as it flew by. We were behind the last wave and when we got completely in the air i saw we had 2 more fighters with us. We headed for the last wave and opened fire. We started with the bomber we attacked it from below, tat tat tat, the machine gun starts firing, the under belly gunner turns and starts shooting at my plane. I maneuver the plane side to side avoiding the gunfire, The bullets are whirling past us, the bullets barely missed my cockpit. It was a hard fight but we ended up t clearing that wave , we did suffer some hull damage by getting hit a couple of times but they mostly ricocheted off of the armor of the plane. Just when i thought we were clear, i started to turn around to make another run on the planes, we took on fire i had to pull up and do a barrel roll i was about a 1,000 feet up when i pulled up harder, this caused us to flip around and then i started shooting. We took him down and that's when i saw it, it wasn't just us 2 up here more Americans were fighting alone so i made a broadcast on all our radio frequencies to join frequency, Charley tango 5. I got everyone connected and organized with a plan. Once the other pilots took down the tango's on their tale's we regrouped and attacked the next big wave, we got all of them after about 10 minutes.We thought we were making really good progress and i looked down at the fleet and realized over 1,500 soldiers were in the water, swimming to shore, and over half our fleet was destroyed. We had to act faster, I made the plan to attack the next wave head on to prevent any more casualties. We lost 5 planes. But i wasn't giving up. That's when 8 fighters snuck up on us and opened fire. We lost almost half of our squadron. The other 9 pilots left where all top of our classes and highly experienced. They didn't stand a chance. We only got a couple holes from the attack and that's when the Japanese thought they'd caused enough damage, they started their retreat. I started to follow some of the Japs as they left, i tried to shoot down as many planes as possible while still staying in american airspace. I blew up 5 more planes and then returned to base. It was a rough landing, my wheels on my landing gear were shot up so the tires were flat, i was rolling on the metal, the metal was scraping the ground, while I was trying to land, sparks shooting off the gears, leaving a burn mark on the runway. The plane stopped close to the end of the runway and it had to be pulled into the hanger.
Author note- if u want another chapter please tell me ill be happy to continue it!!

Pearl harbor
Historical FictionThis is a historical fiction story about pearl harbor and what this airman did to help