Getaway From Me

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Rhydon: Last time, on the Rhydonculous Race, the bad rep of the Bermuda Triangle lead to a crash landing near a haunted house. Once there, the teams had to retrieve a statue from inside said haunted house. Man oh man was it scary. Buneary nearly met her demise by a mythical ghost type, but she was thankfully saved by Buizel. And was it just me or did Oricorio seem a bit jealous? Moving on, I'm happy to report that thirty-six Pokémon entered that haunted house and each and every one of them made it out alive. So in the end, the Athletes won and the Gardeners bit the dust. Or should I say bit the soil? Anyways, today we've got a much LESS SPOOKY episode. So enjoy this all new episode of.... The Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and heavily winks at the camera)

(Theme song; at Last times chill zone)

Rhydon: Alright.  The Athletes have been waiting all competition for this... you may now get today's first tip!

Weavile: YES! (Grabs a tip) We're taking a boat to Aruba! (Smiles)

Machoke: Awesome.

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: Aruba. A small island off the coast of South America. It's a popular island to visit because of all the nice people and divine relaxation that surrounds it. (On the beach) Teams will be heading to the beach for the first part of today's challenge.

(Back at the chill zone)

Weavile: So... where is this boat? (An old looking boat pulls up) Seriously?

Rhydon: Yeah I'm serious. Now get in or get lost.

(On the boat, the Athletes sit upfront)

Machoke: Hey. Not the worst boat I've been on. Remember that time in Kanto when-

Wevaile: Yeah I don't really care. (Watches the Contest Stars board) Wait a second... ARE ALL THE TEAMS ON THIS SAME BOAT!?!?

Surskit: Yes, yes they are.

Delcatty: And that means you've got a slim advantage from winning yesterday. (High fives Surskit) Karma works like a charm.

(Team Confessional)
Surskit: Those two were flat out jerks. Not just to us, but to Chespin and Chikorita too!

Delcatty: Yeah, if there's one thing I wanna do is watch those idiotic Athletes lose! They don't deserve anything but each other.

Rhydon: (to the camera) So as the boat takes its course to Aruba, some teams get some well deserved rest. (The screen shows the Fashion Designers, Pichu Twins and Love Birds sleeping) Others, use this as an opportunity to chat.

Oricorio: (to Bellossom, The Cousins and Contest Stars) So I was awarded a trophy for winning the Latin night dance competition.

Oshawott: That's cool! It must take a lot of courage to do that in front of so many people.

Buizel: Come on dude. You've seen me in my football games, soccer games and other sports games and never complemented me.

Oshawott: Yeah I did!

Buizel: Hm. Really?

(In confessional)
Oshawott: Buizel always gets high praise for all the stuff he does. So much, that he sometimes takes it for granted and doesn't realize or remember you're complementing him. Just putting that out there.

Buneary: I can relate. The nerves before going on a contest stage are huge.

Oricorio: Well if you're still getting nervous, I guess that doesn't mean you are as good as Buizel and I.

Buneary: Wh-what? What's that supposed to mean?

Oricorio: Um. Nothing.

Bellossom: Well I think we all do loads of stuff we should be proud of. You too Oshawott.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now