Makeup Or Breakup

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Rhydon: Last time, on The Rhydonculous Race, we got a visit from TDP veterans Snivy, Charmander and Chimchar! The destination was Italy and teams had to make it through the forest while avoiding shots of super spicy hot sauce. Then it was a race across the obstacle course! Togedemaru struggled with the Pichu Twins who may actually be doing him a favor. A new friendship between Eeveelutions Jolteon and Sylveon and Jokesters Totodile and Popplio was formed. In end the of the day, all looked lost for the Cousins, but they lucked out because Fortune Tellers Banette and Froslass actually kinda quit halfway through because their ice ball said they'd lose. So the Cousins got to stay, but for how long? Maybe they'll be eliminated tonight! Find out right now on... The Rhydonculous Race! (Smiles and heavily winks at the camera)

(Theme song)

Rhydon: We are at Italy's chill zone, and the Eeveelution Siblings are about to take the first tip of the day.

Jolteon: You do it Sylveon.

Sylveon: Thanks brother. (Gets the tip) We're going to China! Cool!

(Somewhere else)

Rhydon: China. Full of great walls, exquisite and unique cuisine, as well as many factories. Once teams arrive, they will head here, to a kung fu dojo.

(Back at the chill zone)

Sylveon: To the airport!

(At the airport)

Sylveon: Sweet! Our flight leaves in just ten minutes. Talk about perfect timing! (Jolteon nods)

(In confessional)
Jolteon: Sylveon is definetly the sweetest sister but I'm glad our flight is coming soon because she gets SO angry when it comes to waiting around. One time, my soccer game got delayed by 15 minutes so she just left!

Weavile: Good! We're on flight one. Prepare to go down Eeveelution dorks!

Jolteon: Look we don't want trouble-

Machoke: Ha! Don't you get it? We want trouble.

Sylveon: Ugh! Come on already! Stop being slow! (Grabs Jolteon and then boards the plane followed by the Athletes, Gamers, Lifelong Friends, Contest Stars, New Friends And Pichu Twins)

(On the plane)

Shinx: (whining) Meowstic! Please play Mario Kart with me!

Meowstic: Not now Shinx! Tonight we're putting our game faces on! (Shinx's face lights up) Er- I mean not the video game ones. (Shinx frowns)

Shinx: B-but why?

Meowstic: We entered this to race, not to play video games. I think we should talk strategy today.

Shinx: Ugh.

Quagsire: (over the intercom) Attention everyone this is a full flight so please fill in all available space. There are no more seats together.

Togedmaru: Crap. Are you kidding me?

Pachirisu: Quit complaining and find an open seat.

Bulbasaur: One of you can sit next to us. (Togedemaru does so) So... hey!

Togedemaru: (sarcastically) Wow, guess that means we're best friends now.

Squirtle: (mutters) Jeez, what kind of berry is he having a reaction to?

Togedmaru: Whatever, I mean, this flight won't be so bad. (Suddenly his seat starts moving) Ow! What?

Pichu: Stop that Pichuette!

Pichuette: Ugh, I'm just reaching over you! Shut up! (They both kick the seat as Togedemaru moans)

(In Confessuonal)
Pichuette: What? I'm a kid. A kid with a brother that is your best friend fifty percent of the time and your worst enemy the other fifty percent. (Pauses) It's just being a twin.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now