An Alien Adventure

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, teams headed to Peru! It was truly a breath taking sight! Teams crossed the Amazon river, created native outfits and some even shed some tears. The front runners of the leg were clearly the Fashion Designers and they nailed the challenges and ended up in first place. Lots of teams struggled like the Gamers when Shinx was heartbroken when his DS broke. Team Boyfriend and Girlfriend began to have a major falling out but was resolved when Chespin revealed to everyone his secret he's been keeping for quiet sometime now. The fact he was adopted. But in the end, it was Flaaffy's broken leg that led to the downfall of her and Buneary. They just couldn't keep up and it was time to close the curtain on the Contest Stars. How will Buizel fare without Buneary? Will the Athletes finally just go home? Find out now on... (Heavily smiles and winks at the camera) The Rhydonculous Race!

(Theme song)

Rhydon: We're at the Machu Picchu chill zone and the Fashion Designers are about to take the days first tip!

Sandshrew: You go ahead and get it.

Vulpix: Aw. Why thank you Sandshrew. (Grabs the tip) Board a jet and you'll be off to, huh? Area fifty-one? What the heck is that?

Rhydon: (to the camera) Ssshhh. Don't tell anybody, but area fifty-one is a top secret military base with loads of extraterrestrial stuff. It's top secret and highly dangerous.

Vulpix: (shaking) Um... I don't think I wanna go there...

Sandshrew: Me neither. I'll stick to hats and shoes, no need for weird aliens.

Meowstic: They can't all that scary. They're probably like Ultra Beasts.

Chespin: And Ultra Beasts aren't scary?

Meowstic: Um, you have a point. I should I have listened to what I was saying before I spoke...

Rhydon: Alrighty then. All aboard! Remember, it's a million bucks, so are you interested?

Vulpix: Come on let's go!

(The six teams run onto the plane and take seats and it takes off)

Chespin: So...

Chikorita: So...

(In confessional)
Chespin: Not gonna lie. I kinda regret just blurting out my secret last time because it's now kinda awkward between me and my girl. (Sighs) But I know I'd act the same if I were her.

Pichu: Aliens and space stuff is so cool! I can't wait!

Pichuette: What? You mean, you're excited?

Pichu: Yeah!

Pichuette: Remember the last sci-fi movie dad took us to? You had nightmares for a whole week!

Pichu: Hey!

(In confessional)
Pichu: Look it's not my fault. It was just really really scary okay? I swear I'm not terrified of aliens... and them taking over my body and killing me and- (hears a noise) AHHH! HELP!

Buizel: (sighs) Man I just can't believe Buneary went home.

Oshawott: Yeah, I miss the Contest Stars too.

Buizel: (shakes his head) You know what? It's okay. Now we don't have to worry about beating them because that'd be hard to do since we're friends.

Oshawott: Yeah, you make a good point.

Buizel: Alright then! You and me till the end cous! We're winning this thing! (High fives him)

Oshawott: Yeah!

Machoke: (laughs) Sorry, but you guys are just too funny.

Weavile: Yeah, quit humoring yourselves. (Oshawott ducks under his chair)

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now