Say Cheese

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Rhydon: Last time on the Rhydonculous Race, the final six teams had a close encounter in Area Fifty-one. There was only one goal, retrieve an alien artifact from the warehouse and bring it back. Also to spice things up, each team got a helper, a past Total Drama Pokemon competitor, to aid them on their dangerous challenge. During the challenge teams faced mysterious obstacles such as an antigravity sphere and tripwires to prevent intruders. In the end, team Boyfriend and Girlfriend came in first, with the Athletes in close pursuit. However, the Gamers struggled when Shinx was captured. Meowstic, distraught at the the thought of losing his best friend did his very best to rescue him, but unfortunately the extra challenge costed them the leg as they ended up in last place. But in a shocking turn of events, the Gamers had an extra life left as it was a non elimination leg so they got to stay! Now will they get an actual game over today? Find out right here, right now, on... (heavily smiles and winks at the camera) The Rhydonculous Race!

(Theme song plays; on the plane)

Rhydon: Now this might be a little weird for you guys, but I'm actually not at the chill zone from yesterday. All the teams and I are onboard the same jet that took us here as there really aren't any airports by Area Fifty-one now are there? Now then, todays destination will be a fun surprise when the the jet lands, and the teams will get their first tip there.

(In the seating area of the plane)

Shinx: Man oh man, what a day yesterday was. Thanks again for saving me Meowstic.

Meowstic: Heh, no need to say thank you. We're best friends. If the roles were reversed you'd do the same.

Shinx: (smiles) Yeah, you're right about that.

Meowstic: Let's not let yesterday bring us down, let's keep pushing forward as normal. (There is awkward silence) Soo... we've got a lot of new video games to catch up on once the race is over.

Shinx: Oh my gosh yeah! I'm dying to play Fire Emblem Three Houses, Luigi's Mansion Three, Mario Maker Two...

Meowstic: (sighs) Man we missed so much. It's like we've been out of the gaming scene for over two years!

Shinx: (laughs a little) Well this race has only been going on for a couple of weeks so, it's just been busy for Nintendo I guess. (The Gamers laugh together)

(Elsewhere on the plane)

Pichu: Ughh, we've been on the plane for sooo long! (starts to fidget all over the place) I need to get out of these restraints.

Pichuette: Ugh! Pichu! Stop it, you're bumping into me! (She pushes him away)

Pichu: Ugh, you're so mean to me!

Pichuette: Yeah, yeah, I'm so horrible, whatever. Can you open my pretzel pack for me I can't get it open. (She struggles trying to open it) Dumb packaging!

Pichu: I think you can do it yourself. (turns his head)

Chespin: (from across the aisle) Hey I can help you if you'd like.

Pichuette: Really? Oh thanks Chespin. (Hands him the pretzels and he opens the bag)

Chespin: There you go. (Hands them back to her)

Pichuette: Thanks so much! (Begins eating as the Athletes glare at the two teams from behind)

(Team Confessional)
Weavile: (angry) Chespin and Chikorita are the worst! Who do they think they are helping out little kids like that?

Machoke: Um, maybe they're just normal?

Weavile: Shut up Machoke! I know you hate them too! We are so gonna bring them down today. They've stayed in this race long enough.

The Rhydonculous Race (Part Of The Total Drama Pokémon Series)Where stories live. Discover now