Five || 'Amour, Amour, Shut Up!'

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a/n; Sorry for the wait! I had a lot of catching up to do. Anyway, I really liked this chapter. Like I always say, this is a short story. It'll only last up to 10 or 12 chapters. :) Thank you for waiting patiently, I'd never thought people would like this. 

Oh, and unedited. as usual.

Hope you like it! :D

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     Will, for whatever reasons, was at my window. He had that arrogant smirk on his face, and as I looked at him disgustingly, he simply jumped in through my room. Instantly, I threw whatever thing I could hold onto. Of course, he easily avoided it. How did he know who I am? Who is this guy, really?

“What the hell are you doing here?” I screamed on the top of my lungs, hitting him with the best I could. Unfortunately, it was nothing for Will. He simply chuckled darkly, patting my head. This guy was testing my patience.

“Who would have thought that my Amour is actually Hedone and Voluptas, hmm…?” Will turned his head to my side. He spoke as if he really knew who I am. But, it was impossible. I had been careful in changing. I always checked the school’s toilet to see if I’ve somehow left some Voluptas clothes. As for Hedone, I couldn’t think of any possible things for him to check out. Had I really been that easy? How did he found out I live here?

I stared at Will’s cold blue eyes. His eyes held a lot of secrets I couldn’t think of. “How did you find out?”

He moved gracefully and brought his hand to my wrist. Will dropped the so-called pizza he brought down on my table. Then, he pulled me towards my bed as we both sat quietly, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, Will dropped his head to my shoulder. I shoved him away, eyes wide in horror to his sudden appearance. I didn’t know what to do. I was panicking. If I ever got exposed, it’ll be the end of me. There’ll be no fun anymore. I wouldn’t have any peaceful live as Fleur Haley.

“Cameras,” Will lied down on the bed, his long legs dangling on the edge of my bed.

“That’s impossible. The school never had one.” I stated.

I knew this because I once went into the control room and found out that the cameras they had put were just a fake. There were really no recordings, so it was impossible to look through that. If he really knew who I am, I couldn’t let him go without knowing how he found out.

Will’s gaze was heading upwards, the edge of his lips lifting into a taunting smile. “Yes, they were a decoy. But ever since I came along to your school, I installed hidden cameras. I convinced them that it’s only proper to have one. Actually, I didn’t intend to find out who you are. I was simply going to turn them off when I caught sight of you. Only then did I know that you’re actually Fleur Haley, am I right?”

The times I was changing inside the toilet, I was actually being seen? Well, that explained a lot.

“Why?” I asked through gritted teeth. “Why are you so annoying?”

 He sat up and touched my hair, his fingers then skimmed the back of my neck. “I’m curious. Why are you hiding under those two identities, Fleur?”

“How’d you know where I live?” I diverted his attention. I didn’t like his questions at all. He was the very first guy to piss me off this much. And, he saw my weakness. He saw me crying my heart’s out. It was something I couldn’t just simply ignore. No matter how foreign looking Will is, he’d never cut it off for me. Something about Will that irked me; his blue eyes seemed to be distant and cold.

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