Chapter Two: Training Routine Ambush

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The next morning, I go through the routine like usual. School flies by without a hitch, and before I know it; I'm driving home. I have the windows rolled down and blasting music, singing Call Me Maybe way to loudly and way out of pitch. As I cross into my family's private property, a new scent rushes through my windows. Slamming the brakes and twisting the steering wheel hard, the car skids a crossed the road and ends parked perfectly on the other side. Jumping from the car, I inhale deeply. 

Rogue hit my nose, shaking instantly, I shift. My clothes shred and fur ripples over my new muscles, and strength rushes through me. My alpha pure-blood activating and more power surges forth. Growling and snapping my teeth, I track the scent to the south. The rogue had gotten about 50 feet away from my house and went back around the barn in the back and headed back toward the west. At the edge of our property the scent grows stronger and fresher. 

"Mother," I call.

"Yes?" she answers.

"Rogue at the west edge of the property." I feel her snap the link between us, and seconds later her wolf call echoes across our land. I feel the hunters of the pack shift, and head in my direction. 

Only one rogue and by the smell, fairly puny. I have not only alpha blood but pure blood, making me naturally stronger than most wolves, add that to my father's training and i'm practically a Goddess (forgive me for boasting, but its the truth). This should be taken care of fairly quickly. 

Jumping over a fallen tree, I land in a meadow. The rogue's scent is very strong here. I scan the area quickly. A dark shadow sits beneath a tree at the other end of the meadow. The rogue stands up, snarling and snapping its teeth. Growling and curling my tail high, I step forward. 

Lisa appears at my side. "You expect me to let you have all the fun? Oh heck no, if you wanted to be alone, don't park your car on the wrong side of the road," she giggles. "This should be fun. She looks angry."

"I am angry. She's on pure blood land and pack territory. You should have told me you were coming. I almost turned on you."

"You would never! And yeah, ultimate stupid rogue right there. Now, stop lolly-gagging and get to shredding!"

"You're semi-sick you know."

"It's a rogue, don't be soft."

Shaking my head, and internally smiling, I step forward again. Lisa a stride behind me. The rogue quickly glances at Lisa and then back to me. 

Extending my alpha mind link toward the rogue, and linking Lisa in too, I demand, "Name. status, and explanation."

Shaking her fur, the rogue snarls again, ignoring my demand.

I bar my teeth, "Name, status, now." 

A shaky, yet confident voice answers back. "Nala, scout, searching."

"Nala from where, searching for what?" I take a step forward, tail curved high.

"From far north, seeking what is confidential."

"You will not withhold information an Alpha demands!" 

"You are not my alpha," she growls and leaps at us. Growling wickedly, I meet her halfway. I easily slip past her guard and my teeth sink into the muscle on her shoulder. Snarling, I rip away, pulling a large chunk of the muscle out. She howls in pain, raising her head and leaving her neck exposed. Lisa latched onto her neck and whipped her head back and forth. A loud crack echoed through the meadow and the rogue went limp. 

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