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Watching the entire procedure like a hawk, Nova observed as Optimus stood still, letting the medic perform whatever scans needed to be done to ensure that her guardian did indeed have a clean bill of health. Never once did her blue eyes waver from his frame. It had been seven days since that incident that had nearly taken the life of her guardian. And in that time period, Nova had rarely let the Autobot leader out of her sight. If she wasn't at the alley or the street, Nova was on base keeping an eye on Optimus. It seemed a little silly for her to do so, but she wanted to make sure that he was alright, if only for her own peace of mind.

Taking out some kind of giant flashlight and pointing it in the red and blue leaders right optic—the one that had gotten infected first—Ratchet then proceeded to have his patient, "follow the light." Not the greatest choice of words in Nova's opinion but Ratchet was the medic here.

Anyways, She don't think anyone on base really noticed her stalker-ish behavior as she tried to be as subtle as possible. If they did though, they didn't say anything. And for the most part, Nova just kept out of every one's way, sitting in the darkest corners of the main room and perching on the not-as-frequently-used catwalks. But no matter where she decided to hole up, NOva still had an excellent view of Optimus' rather large frame. You could say that it was NOva's way of staying close but still trying to distance herself. And could you blame her? She was still trying to get over the fact that after all these years of self-induced social isolation; someone had managed to penetrate her defenses without even realizing it at first. In fact, while She had resolved to let this go and see where this new bond would take her, the more overly-skeptical and cautious part of her was still predictably wary. But she guess for now only time would tell.

Down below, She could hear Ratchet make a couple pleased sounds and mumbles as Optimus apparently passed whatever medical test he had cooked up. "I wouldn't advise anything strenuous, Optimus, but it appears that your systems have fully recovered from the Cybonic plague." Ratchet said. With the press of a button, the odd chamber-like medical tube thingy, released the Prime.

Even to her untrained medical eye, he certainly did seem better as he fluidly stepped off the dais-like structure he stood on. There were no signs of a concealed limp as he walked and his electric-blue optics did not dilate in pain even once. If Optimus was feeling unwell in the slightest right now, he certainly did a good job of hiding it. "Thanks to your medical expertise, old friend." Optimus rumbled, his voice being back to its former glory.

Of all the beings she had had the pleasure of meeting, Nova think only Optimus was the only one who exemplified at being the very definition of a perfect leader. He always seemed to know what to say and when to say it. Which is why Ratchet's reply to the compliment didn't surprise her much either, since if there was one thing she knew about teams like this one, it was that they were always a reflection of its leadership. Ratchet turned to face Bee, "It was your scout who braved unknown territory to locate the cure."

Bumblebee buzzed quickly, seeming almost embarrassed by all the attention he was getting as he waved his servos frantically in front of him. Meanwhile, his teammate seemed rather amused by his reactions as Arcee said in her usual dry tone, "Lucky for us, Megatron was still alive." Bumblebee looked at her oddly for that and buzzed at her. Which it was ashamed for Nova that she hardly wished she could understand what he said even though Raf wasn't there to translate.

"Yeah, I actually said that," Arcee said, grimacing and sounding as equally perturbed by her own words as the scout was. Turning back to the Prime, Ratchet steered the conversation back on track. "What matters is that you are on the mend, Optimus," he said. "While Megatron—"

Bumblebee buzzed again

Arcee nodded grimly. "He's right," she affirmed as the scout left the room to join the others most likely. "Did my best to finish Megatron's story—" an almost haunted look now came to adorn her features. "—just couldn't stick around long enough to see how it ended." Shaking her head, the Autobot femme left the room, leaving just Ratchet, Optimus and myself to fill the morbid silence she had left behind.

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