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After they came back, Ratchet immediately took a scanner to her burn and found it to be a pretty severe, and that if left untreated could permanently damage the nerves in her arm or burn all the way to her bone. They didn't have any medicine to specifically treat it so Jack went back to his house and talked to his mom about severe burns and how to treat them. Whatever excuse or reason Jack gave, it was enough for her to tell him how to treat it. Miko picked up what they needed at a pharmacy real quickly and came back to treat Nova's left arm.

Nova was lying on the gurney unconsciously while Jack was applying the medicine to her wound gently and wrapped her arm with gauze. Once Jack finishes, he steps back to allow Ratchet to scan her again, waiting for the results. Ratchets face keep calm and focused before he said, "She's going to be alright, she must have exhaust herself and her arm should still retain full functionality once its healed." Campy hopped onto her gurney and settled himself at the crook of her neck, worried of her well-being. "Still gonna leave a wicked scar though." Miko mentioned. Jack scolded, "Miko!!"

 "It's my fault, I should have been more careful! I shouldn't have gotten distracted....! And because I did she—" Arcee said angrily as she paces from side to side. "Arcee." Jack called her name, making her stop and look at him. "It's fine. Nova was the one that told me to run while she attacked her and angered her. She got the drop on all of us. Don't worry, She'll be alright." He said calmly and comfortingly as to her. His words help as she sighs and nods. He smile for putting her at ease if even just a little. 

Jack had looked up to Nova and went to her for support. Sure, her stoic demeanor would put off most people, but unlike them, he knew that she wasn't like that deep down. She just had trouble showing her emotions and trusting people with them. But even after knowing her for weeks, he still didn't know much about her past. All he knew was that it was rather dark enough that she refused to talk about it to anyone, keeping them locked away with her emotions. But her respected that about her, though he still found himself curious still from time to time. Still, he sometimes wished that she would open up to people more often. It couldn't be healthy having only a list of people she trusted that you could count on one hand.

Ever since he had first met her, she had been disappearing at random moments to go on these road trips to who-knows-where. The first time she had done it, she had nearly scared Jack to death, coming back a little worse for wear. After the first couple times, he finally got used to it but he still wondered where she went and what she did. No matter how hard he had tried, he still had not gotten a straight answer out of her about them. But one good thing about hanging around her, Jack had begun to be able to recognize the signs that showed that she was about to care, and it was gonna happen soon. Jack just hoped that she would actually tell someone this time instead of not admitting how she feel. He would have to remind her later about it. Hopefully, she would actually listen and remember this time. For now, they waited for Nova to wake up, hoping she might recover. 

Inside the Dreamscape

For Nova's part, she was in some kind of dream where she was wandering in the dark room. She wondered what she was doing there when she see a silhouette from the distance as she walk towards the shadow figure. The moment she got close, it looked like female standing there with back turn, wearing a lab coat and had silk hair. She had no idea who she was as she walked towards her. When she got closer, the fire appeared out of nowhere and surrounded her. It was getting hotter and hotter, she doesn't know what's going on. She called out to the mysterious lady as she turned to her only to see her shaded face which was hard to see, for some reason she felt like she had know her from long ago. 

Nova was about to ask her when she notice the mysterious lady gave a horror look as she said to her, "Nova, Look out!!"Nova flinched when she called her name. Both of them were about to reached each other when Nova saw a man behind the mysterious lady. He had scars on his familiar face and wears somekind of bodysuit of a soldier, only to see he was holding a pistol gun pointing at her. Much to Nova's shock and horror, she tried to warned her but a bullet shot the mysterious lady. Her face suddenly pale and eyes wide with terror of what she witness. The lady's body fell limb and her blood sprawled on the floor. Nova shook in fear and shouted, stretching arm out to her, "NO?!!!!!!!"  

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