Scamming Pt.10

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The thing about young love is that it's hard to forget; you make memories that you plan to cherish for the rest of your life when you meet your first official love.

The secrets, kisses, touches, hugs, affection; you first experience it all with your first love.

Sehun was no stranger to this young love. He remembers the feeling of having Luhan in his arms or vice versa. The laughter the two shared together, it is so deeply ingrained in Sehun's mind; he can recall every little moment that happened between the two lovers.

In that very moment, Sehun's heart was in the palm of Luhan's hand.

Now, it continues to lie there as a symbol of the first love Luhan had stolen from the boy. Luhan knows this and uses it to his advantage.

Scam the young, millionaire bubble tea CEO? Check.

Scam his even richer cousin who is also a CEO? Plan in action.


Luhan has a way with words. His rhetoric is something any scam artist admires to have; the art of speaking eloquently and deceivingly. When words drip from his lips, you feel the effect they have on you.

Sehun is madly in love.

"Yes?", he answer almost in a trance. He's entranced by the blonde boy.

Luhan bites his lip; Sehun's eyes follow the action. He pulls on an innocent face deceiving all those in the contrary. "S-Sehun, I...", he pauses to articulate his words, "I miss you." Sehun gasps and feels a warmth spread through his insides. Luhan felt the same way! He wasn't playing him, in fact, in Sehun's mind, Luhan he was madly in love with the younger.

The now blushing and grinning younger grabs both of the blonde's hands and intertwines them with his own. "Luhan, I miss you too."

Luhan suppresses the slight cringe that is begging to be shown. He instead smiles softly, "Do you think we could give 'us' a try?"

Sehun nods vigorously. The happiness he feels is indescribable. His heart is beating out of chest in a mild marathon.

"Luhan", you can practically hear the love the boy has for the other. This slightly guiltsthe scammer. "I love you, Luhan."

Luhan ignores the beating in his chest and the guilt surpressedin his throat, "I love you too, Sehun."

To say the CEO is surprised is an understatement.

Chanyeol is shook.

"Sehun", the CEO says, moreso sounding like a parent ready to give their child a lecture, "you're going to get hurt, and this time it'll be the last time."

He really does hurt the CEO that the cousin has fallen so deeply in love with a boy whose only intention is wealth.

"Chanyeol", his cousin replies, "I know what I'm doing. He really loves me. I can sense it. He was just scared of love that's all. That's why he ran away. He told me that the idea of falling in love was so new to him that it was a bit overwhelming."

Bullshit, Chanyeol thinks to himself.

Instead if replying as he would have liked, he instead decided to look out the window and see the city. He notices many business people walking hurriedly across the streets and sidewalks. The bistro across the street seems packed with people inside and out.

But when he looks even closer, he notices a familiar figure outside of the bistro sitting with someone else.

Since when did Baekhyun ever contact with people in this company? More importantly, with Jongin?

"Sehun", Chanyeol cuts off hiss babbling cousin, something he does a lot. "I have to go, we'll talk later." He hangs up without hearing the response.

Before the CEO can question his actions he's already grabbing the bagged lunch Baekhyun had packed him and is leaving his office hurriedly. He reaches the elevator and feels his heart race as he descends by floors. Why does it some like he is overreacting? What business does he have with Baekhyun and whoever he eats with?

As the CEO walks confidently through the lobby and out the door, the idea of where he is going or what he plans to do slips his mind.

In a matter of only six minutes does it take Chanyeol to walk across the street to the bistro. From a distance he can hear his assistant's familiar laugh, something he finds endearing.

He reaches their table, stopping to take a few breaths.

"Mr.Park", Baekhyun says. In all honesty he is surprised at the sight of his boss out of breath next to his table.

"Mr.Byun", Chanyeol says breathlessly.

"Mr.Park, how's it going?", that's when Chnayoel realizes that he's actually not alone with his assistant. In fact, he is the reason why the boss had ran so quickly to reach them.

"I'm fine, how are you Mr.Kim?", Chanyeol says simply out of respect.

Jongin eyes Baekhyun who is happily munching his packed lunch before answering, "Never better."

This does not go unnoticed by the CEO.

Instead of walking away or going inside the bistro like any normal person would do, Chanyeol instead grabs a chair from a nearby table and sets it between the two employees. (he makes sure to sit closer to his assistant)

Baekhyun notices the small action and inwardly smirks.

"Mr.Park I was just telling Baekhyun about the year anniversary party we do for the employees at Park Enterprises", Jongin says after taking a sip of his lemonade. He knows for a fact that the CEO hasn't told the assistant about the party which is why he did. Jongin finds something suspicious going on between the two.

"Oh right", Chanyeol awkwardly chuckles and avoids eye contact. He instead focuses on the brown lunch bag he was given by Baekhyun.

"Will I be invited?" Chanyeol hears Baekhyun softly ask. His heart clenches.

"Of course you are silly!" Chanyeol has never been more annoyed in his life. "The party is for employees after all, right Chanyeol?"

At the use of his first name, Chanyeol looks up with an eyebrow raised and a mild glare. Baekhyun also seems temporarily shocked at the sound of his boss' name.

Do these two have some sort of history together?

And if they do, is Baekhyun about to get into the middle of it?

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