Scamming Pt.14

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"Mr.Park, do you need a hand?"

It's currently two in the morning. Chanyeol is tired, drunk and annoyed (maybe even a little flustered). The dead weight, also known as Baekhyun, on Chanyeol's shoulder is numbing his left side. He sighs loudly and gives a passive shake of his head to his driver.

"I'm fine Minseok, please just open the door for me." The man nods in response and exits the vehicle before coming around it and opening the back passenger door. The CEO sluggishly gets off the car with his assistant's upper boy sliding off the seat and halfway falling through the door.

"Oh shit", Chanyeol curses before reaching for the brunette and picking him up bridal style. The driver looks at the man hesistantly as he closes the door after them. "Are you sure you don't need any help?" he asks again.

Chanyeol continues to walk onto his massive yard, not bothering to look back he says, "Thanks Minseok but I can handle him. Have a safe drive back." Minseok then proceeds to enter the vehicle and drives off.

This leaves a tipsy Chanyeol carrying a knocked out Baekhyun into his home.

Now, this may seem very out of character, but let's explain. Seeing as though his assistant is knocked out (and he didn't bother to wake him up because he was less annoying when asleep), Chanyeol realized then that he had no idea where the boy lived. Not wanting to be a stalker, Chanyeol did not try logging into Baekhyun's phone and instead decided to just take the man over to his home.

(no where in his mind did the idea of getting it with his assistant came up)

Which brings us back to Chanyeol trudging his steps into his house. Once he reaches his front steps he curses under his breath realizing his keys are in his pocket. (maybe he should've accepted Minseok's help after all)

Contemplating what to do, the CEO sets his assistant down on the entrance of his home and rushes to grab his keys. He doesn't notice Baekhyun's figure sliding off the wall of the entrance in which he's perched on and his face landing somewhat softly on the cement.

Once Chanyeol successfully opens the door he turns to pick up his assistant and curses under his breath when he notices Baekhyun lying on the ground. He crouches down to pick the boy up and stands with a groan.

While the brunette beauty sleeps peacefully in the arms of his boss, Chanyeol is struggling endlessly with the boy. When he enters his home and realizes the large flight of stairs he's faced with, his face drops.

"Fuck my life."


It was the usual, peaceful Saturday morning. Sun rays were beaming through the curtains, birds chirping from outside and waking up on a nice, comfortable king sized-


Baekhyun doesn't own such a large bed...

The brunette sits up hurriedly and looks around the seemingly unknown bedroom he's in with a confused looked. His head aches for a few seconds before it dies down. After looking under the covers to see if everything is still intact (Baekhyun is not a fan of drunken one night stands), he shrugs and goes back under the comfortable covers to enjoy a few more minutes of sleep.

This doesn't long because soon there's a hesitant knock at his door before it opens. In walks an older-looking lady with a kind face. She bows upon entering and smiles, "Hope you slept well, sir." Baekhyun gives her a smile and a nod. It's then that he notices the pile of clothes in her hands. She walks over to the bed and lays the clothes down. "Here are some clothes sent by Mr.Park and there's breakfast downstairs once you finish up." The nice lady then bows once again and exits through the door.

Baekhyun slowly gets out of bed and grabs the pile of clothes. When he picks up the shirt he realizes the length of it; it's Chanyeol's shirt.

Coming up with a plan in mind, Baekhyun smirks before grabbing the clothes and entering the bathroom.


Chanyeol is somewhat glad he didn't drink much last night. He proceeds his usual routine of washing up and changing before going into the kitchen and beginning to cook. (He tells Mrs.Kim that he'll handle the cooking for today and that she should tend to the guest upstairs)

Last night had been... eventful.

For as much as the CEO wishes he could push his assistant away from him, the brunette always manages to find his way back.

The thought slightly frightens Chanyeol.

For a few minutes Chanyeol makes his omelet and then one for his assistant. While reaching for the previously-cut fruit in his refrigerator, he hears a soft voice from behind-

"Good morning Mr.Park"

-and Chanyeol drops the Tupperware of fruit on the ground.

Standing in front of him is his annoying, yet hot af, assistant in only a shirt.

His shirt.

He remembers telling Mrs.Kim to give the guest a shirt from the pile of new clothes he had just bought.

(ayee Mrs.Kim we see you)

Baekhyun smirks at the flustered CEO. He knows exactly what he's doing. He bits his lip to hold his laugh in as Chanyeol rushes to pick up the fallen tupperware and turns back to the stove in an attempt to not embarrass himself in front of Baekhyun. (too late)

He clears his throat as he puts both omelets on separate plates and places them on the island counter top. "Good morning Baekhyun", he says so rushed he doesn't realize he addressed the boy by his first name. "I made you an omelet."

Baekhyun grins while sitting down on the stool, the shirt riding just slightly more up his thigh. Chanyeol tries so hard not to stare and instead keeps his head down at his omelet. Baekhyun takes a bite of the egg before cooing, "wah~ who knew you were such a chef Chanyeol. It's really good."

A blushing Chanyeol shrugs in response, "It's just an omelet", he says shyly. He tries hard to stop his face from heating up. Since when did he act like a high schooler with a crush?

"If you say so", Baekhyun smiles.

Their breakfast contains of awkward glances at each other, smirking (Baekhyun), blushing (Chanyeol) and the clacking of the utensils. Once they have finished eating, Baekhyun sighs, "That was really good Chanyeol. Thanks."

Chanyeol finally makes eye contact with the boy, "Yah, who said you could call me by my first name?" He now regains his courage.

Baekhyun chuckles, "The moment you called me Baekhyun and not 'Mr.Byun', Chanyeol."

The CEO rolls his eyes and scoffs. His arrogant demeanor falters once Baekhyun stands up from the stool, his legs now on full display.

Chanyeol groans internally.

Today is going to be a long day.

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