Scamming Pt.15

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"Chanyeol~", Baekhyun whines from the other side of the couch, "Entertain me."

If you were to ask Chanyeol about two months ago if he were to ever imagine this situation, he would have rejected it....

After their breakfast, Chanyeol and Baekhyun decided to watch a drama. Chanyeol didn't mind the suggestion, in fact, he had just binge watched one the weekend before so he needed to catch up on a new one.

What he did mind was a barely covered Baekhyun (yes the boy is still only wearing a shirt) constantly poking the CEO in the side with his foot, whining about how the slow the drama is progressing.

For Chanyeol, the drama seems to be moving at a perfect pace; he didn't expect the couple to kiss until near the end of the series. On the contrary, Baekhyun expects the couple to have sex by the third episode.

Pretty ironic, if you ask me.

Which brings us to the current situation: Chanyeol squished up to one end of the couch, trying his hardest to keep as much distance as possible from the sexy ma-, whoops he meant the annoying assistant who is laid out on his very expensive leather couch.

Deciding to entertain himself, Baekhyun gets up from his laying position and mischievously smirks. He gets on all fours and crawls towards the now flustered CEO who is watching the brunette from the corner of his eye. Baekhyun bites his lip as he nears the reddened man. He gets on his knees once he's by his side and lays his head on Chanyeol's shoulder.

"Yeol~", he whines a foreign nickname that oddly sounds endearing to the CEO, "I'm bored. I'm your guest. You're supposed to be entertaining me". The boy pouts, his lips slightly the other's neck leaving him even more flustered. Chanyeol can feel his ears turning red.

"Baekhyun, I t-think I need to drop you home", Chanyeol stutters out. He turns to the boy whose face is in the crook of his neck. This isn't the first time someone has intended to be this close to the CEO, yet this seems to be the first time he actually feels an effect. When turns to Baekhyun, the brunette looks up and meets the other's gaze eye to eye.

The stare is filled with unspoken desire and nervousness. Baekhyun can see how tense the man in front of him is. Baekhyun leans in and whispers, "Don't be so tense", his lips moving and touching the other man's own. The words had whispered their way onto Chanyeol's own lips and soon enough he is closing the gap and kissing the boy.

It's very out of character for the CEO to make the first move, which is why the kiss seems to catch the assistant off guard. His eyes widen for a moment before takes charge of the opportunity and kisses back. His hands grip the other by his shoulders and up his neck, eliciting chills from the other. They both meet in a lustful battle, moans and sloppy sounds coming from the both. It seems so much built up tension from the both has finally dissolved in this one kiss.


Kiss .

Chanyeol's eyes widen. He suddenly is aware of his surroundings, the time, place and more importantly who's he with and who he is.

With a startled gasp, the CEO pushes off the brunette who was about ready to plunge his tongue into the action. Baekhyun lets out a squeak as he falls off his knees and onto the ground, landing with a thud. Chanyeol groans from embarrassment, resembling a child who had just had their first kiss. He quickly pulls out his phone and dials his driver.

"yeah Minseok, I'm gonna need a favor", he speaks into the phone all while trying to ignore the smirk his assistant is sending him from the floor.


Baekhyun was headed with a smile in view. He didn't know why the kiss made him so happy but it did.

All of his previous kisses/make out sessions were hot and steamy yet this seemingly innocent kiss that lasted only a few seconds was almost child-like... Baekhyun loved it. He cherished the emotion he gave through the kiss and how unexpected it was.

It was a stolen kiss by none other than the handsome yet shy bachelor Park Chanyeol.

Humming to himself, Baekhyun leans onto his seat with the same smile he had before. His grin sort of weirding out the driver.

"So umm", said man speaks up and looks through the rear view mirror, "you know Mr.Park pretty well?"

Baekhyun nods to himself before answering, "We have some sort of relationship...", The word choice making Minseok's eyes widen thinking of many possible ways the two could be involved, "I'm his assistant", Baekhyun adds with a wave of his hand. Minseok is surprised, and doesn't hide it.

"What?", Baekhyun chuckles, smile wide, "Did you think I was some sort of hoe?", Minseok reddens at the response and clears his throat. Shamefully, the man had thought something similar along the lines, seeing as the CEO rarely ever allows anyone in his home and then this hot brunette comes out of no where with only a shirt, might I add. So yes, he did think the two had something sexual, since nothing good comes from a drunken night.

"NO", he chokes out, embarrassed, refusing to look through the rear view mirror again and meet the teasing gaze of the passenger. The boy made him flustered for some reason.

"Oh right here!", the brunette instructs, making the driver slightly surprised by the luxurious condos that he has stopped in front of.

"You live here?", Minseok blurts out.

He was shook.

Baekhyun chuckles while unbuckling his seat belt, "Yeah, don't act too surprised. I have my ways around, financially." He winks at the man through the mirror before opening the door and stepping out. Once on foot, he pulls down his shirt just a smidge, ruffles his hair and waves to the driver before walking gracefully into the complex. He seemed to rule the world and everyone in it with every step he took; and in his mind... he did.

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