Chapter 2

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Violet Kai's POV

I was lying on marshmallows. It was so soft that my body felt like it was on top of clouds. But that wouldn't really make sense since clouds are made up of water. I think. I wonder when the orphanage bought new mattresses. Did we even have enough money.

Suddenly, realization hit me like a ton of bricks. The orphanage,rain, the park,strange men.

I bolted out of bed, my eyes snapping open as I landed painfully on my arm. I let out a whimper wen the ground came in contact with it.

"Fuck!" A deep voice cursed as I heard a lot shuffling on the bed. I had my eyes closed because
of the sharp pain in my arm.

When the pain became tolerable, I opened my eyes to see three attractive men looming above me.

Freaked, I started backing up to get some space. But as soon as my foot took a step back, theirs took a step forward.

"Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Says the one with dirty blonde hair.

"Where am I? I demanded. Was I kidnapped?

"In our house. " One out of the two brunettes said.

"W-why?" I don't understand. I don't remember how I got here. I was in the park and it was raining. Three men approached me and..... That's all I remember.

"We saw you in the park and you were drenched in rain. We offered you help but then you passed out. You didn't have a phone on you nor an ID so we brought you here to rest. You had a really high fever last night and had us all worried. " answered the third guy.

"What are your names?" I asked.

"I'm Chaos Axel. These two are Kyros Gael and Alekos Herakles. " I nodded.

"Why do your names sound familiar?" I swear I have heard their names before. But that's not possible right? I just met them.

"We own Alkycha Inc, maybe you've heard of us in the news or seen one of our interviews on tv?" Alekos suggested. Then it dawned on me.

"Ms. Helena! That's why your names sound familiar! She's like, obsessed with you!" I giggled as I remembered the first time I went inside her room. They were filled with pictures of these three men. It's actually kind of creepy how much she loved them when she hasn't even met them before. I have! I bet she's so jelly of me right now. Serves her right, that meanie.

"And who is this, Ms. Helena that you speak of?" Chaos asked.

"Oh she owns the orphanage I was in! She was really mean and scary. She told me to move out when I turned eighteen yesterday. That's why I was in the park you know?" Their eyes darkened.

"You live in an orphanage?" I smiled at them sadly.

"I used to. Now I have no where to live. Under a bridge, maybe? I heard it's not that bad. " I replied, trying to stay positive about being homeless.

But who was I kidding? Under a bridge? Don't only trolls do that?

"We won't let that happen. We promise we won't. " Alekos said, making my eyebrows furrow.

"Ummm. That's really nice of you to say Mister but I don't even know you people!" I said throwing my arms up in exasperation.

"Come on. It's not like we're axe murderers or something. " he replied, rolling his eyes.

"Well how would I know that? You could be using the appeal to ignorance. You know, the fallacy? I learned about it in school last year. Everything not proven false is true. So that means until you've proven that you guys aren't serial killers, you are. " I said, sticking my nose up in the air. I'm so smart.

They all let out a laugh and shook their heads as if I said something funny.

"So by that very same logic of the appeal to ignorance of yours, unless we prove that we kill, we don't. Am I right?" They're smart. I forgot that they run a multi billion dollar company. They couldn't have gotten that far if they were dumb.

"Even if you guys are nice people,I can't just live with you. " I pointed out.

They all looked at each other contemplatively, as if having a silent conversation only they can hear.

"Then work for us. " Kyros blurted. I was dumbfound. Were they serious?

"Ummm. I don't think that's a very good idea Kyros. I mean, I just graduated high school! I mean barely graduated! Do I give off some kind of smart person vibe? Because I admit, I'm not exactly the brightest bulb." I explained, waving my hands around mad fast.

"Don't worry. The job we have for you doesn't require anything more than a high school diploma. " Hearing this, I quirked my eyebrow in curiosity.

"And what is this, job, exactly?" I asked, placing my hand on my hips.

"Uhhhhh. Cooking! You can cook for us!" I shook my head.

"I can't cook to save my life." I said dejectedly.

"How about making us coffee? Everyone knows how to make coffee right?" Chaos said, determination shining in his eyes.

"Actually, I'm severely allergic in coffee. "I informed them. Now I was feeling deflated. What can I do? What am I good at?

"Be our personal assistant. "They finally said. This had me thinking. Maybe I could be their personal assistant. Then, a thought occurred to me.

"You guys own Alkycha Inc. Don't you have professional secretaries?"

"As a matter of fact, we do. But they're secretaries, not a PA. We need a PA. " Alekos quickly said, to which I nodded to. Makes sense.

"Wait just to make sure, what do PAs do?" I asked. Aside from getting coffee, which I can't do. Picking up dry cleaning maybe?

"Just stick by our side at all times and do what we ask. " My eyes narrowed at this. I needed more information.

"Am I allowed to say no?" I asked. What if I didn't like what they were trying to make me do?

"Depends. "

Their answers, although different, came un choruses. I tilted my head to the side to let them know I was confused.

Alekos sighed before replying.
"We won't ask you to do anything you're against. But if you ever do feel the need to refuse, with a valid reason, then we will accept. " I nodded.

"Since your job requires you to be by out side 24/7, you will have to move in. " My eyes widened. So this was their plan all along?

"Fine. " I grumbled. In return, they all let out deep chuckles that sent tingles down my spine. Dang. Why are they so attractive?

"Come on, we'll show you where your room is. " I stood up from the marshmallow bed followed them out of the room. I wanted to ask them why they didn't take me to a guest bedroom last night. Why were they sleeping next to me? They probably just crashed because of the exhaustion. They are busy men after all.

I expected a long walk,seeing as this house was probably huge. However, as soon as we exited the bedroom, they pointed the one right across from it.

"There's your room. I figured it would be more convenient, you know?" I nodded. It makes sense. These are smart men.

I opened it, revealing a very girly room. The exact opposite if theirs, which conposed of gray walls.

It was almost as if they'd been expecting me.

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