Chapter 4

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Violet Kai's POV

I stared at my reflection in the mirror placed inside my room. They told me to wear something comfy but since this is my first day at my first job, I wanted to look like how the grown up people look like when they go to work. I nodded at myself and breathed.

"Come on Vi, it's okay. You'll do okay. Just give everyone a smile. People like smiles. Yeah. Give them the best smile you have. " I said to myself. I was very nervous. This is my first job. There'll be a lot of people there. What if they don't like me and stuff?

"Bubby, are you ready?" Alekos knocked on the door, making me jump and let iut a squeal. I giggled at myself. I'm so funny heh.

I swung the door open and gave Alekos my best smile because people like smiles duh. Alekos smiled back and pinched my cheek then messed my hair up. I gave him my most mean looking glare. Ha, bet he's scared now. I walked over to the kitchen, just following Alekos like a lost puppy. To be fair, I still don't know how to get to the kitchen because their house is huuugee.

"Goodmorning princess. "
"Mornin little kitten. " Chaos and Kyros said as they set a plate of yummy looking pancakes at the table. I squealed in delight before rushing towards the table and shoving my mouth the pancakes were so yummy. The bacon was really good too. I wonder if everything they cook is yummy. Or maybe they use magic. But nah.

"I'm done!" I announced cheerfully, earning a couple chuckles around the room. I always make them laugh. It makes me happy when they laugh. They led me to a
black SUV that looked really expensive. I yelped when I saw a man already inside the front of the car. I quickly scuffled to get out.

"Wrong car! There's someone inside!" I whisper yelled to them as I tugged on their sleeves. They all looked amused, then Alekos pinched my cheek.

"That's the driver bubby. " I flushed in embarrassment as the driver stepped out of the car to introduce himself.

"Hi ma'am. My name is Henry Brown. It's a pleasure to meet ya. " I immediately noticed he kinda talks like a cowboy. I gasped. Maybe he is a cowboy in disguise!

"Hi!" I greeted back enthusiastically. Alekos got in and told me to get in. Chaos sat next to me and Kyros was in the front seat. I stayed quiet for 15 minutes until we pulled up to a huge building with the words Alkycha Inc.

"Woah its huge!" I shouted excitedly, throwing my arms up then twirling around. A lot of the grown up people were staring at me weirdly. The three large men simply chuckled at me before leading me inside.

"So what do you guys do here? Are you like, secretaries or something?" I questioned. Alekos was about to answer when a lady with a mask came. She smiled at them weirdly, not even noticing me beside them.

"Hi Alekos! Would you like me to bring you up some coffee when you get to your office?" She said, giving him a sickeningly sweet smile. Gross.

"First of all Jenna, as I've told you before, its Mr. Herakles. No, I do not want any coffee. In fact, don't come up to my office at all today unless I call you. " Alekos said. Why was he being mean to her? I snickered when I realized that Alekos told her to call him by his last name. He told me to call him Alekos. Im special hehe.

Her head suddenly snapped to my direction when she heard me snicker. Her eyes narrowed at me before giving me a mean glare. I looked down and hid behind Alekos, gripping his suit jacket in my hand as I suddenly became nervous. The guys noticed this and sent her away quickly.

"Who's that?" I whispered as I looked up to Chaos.

"Her name is Jenna. She's Alekos' secretary, princess. " Chaos explained to me as we got inside a moving box that started to to upwards.

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