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« just listen to that – the voice of argentina! we are adored! we are loved! »


"OH MY God," Allison rubs at her eyes sleepily, staring at the person standing on her doorstep with undisguised distaste. "Please tell me I'm dreaming."

"You dream about me?"

"I was thinking more along the lines of a nightmare," she sighs. "What do you want, Toby?"

"I want," Toby says, "to go and see Frozen. With you. And Lydia."

She frowns. "That Disney movie?"


"Toby..." Allison pauses to glance at the clock in the hallway. "What have we said about waking up before twelve?"

"But if we don't go now, we'll miss the screening! They show it early for...younger people."

"You mean five year-olds," Allison says bluntly. "No."

She goes to shut the door, but Toby wedges his foot in the doorway to stop her. She can't see his face, but a few seconds later, a muffled, "Ouch," results from the other side.

"Allison," he says from the other side of the door. "Please."


"Pretty please."


"Pretty please with cherries on top."


"Pretty please with Gianni'spizza on top."

"I...still no."

"You don't have anything better to do!" he whines petulantly, and even though she can't see his face, Allison can easily imagine the pout that will be gracing his features.

"How would you know?" she shoots back.

"I know because nothing is better than Disney!"

"Toby. No."



"Please! It's only a couple of hours and we'll take Lydia and I'll let you both say what you like about Anna's hair and the cheesiness and Hans' sideburns and speaking of cheesiness I pinkie promise we can go to Gianni's afterwards."

Allison sighs, not really sure she wants to know who Anna or Hans even are. "Toby, haven't you already seen Frozen? Twice?"

"Third time's the charm!"

"Can't you just take Daniel with you to see it, or something?"

"I did," he says. "The second time I saw it."

Allison is unable to suppress a snort at the mental image of Daniel sitting beside Toby as the boy sings along to songs he'd probably already memorised, and trying to look at least a tiny bit interested.

 "And how did that go?" she asks before she can stop herself, wry amusement seeping into her tone.

"Actually a lot better than I thought it would," Toby's voice has turned thoughtful now, and Allison thinks about how it's slightly ridiculous how they're having a conversation with an almost-shut door between them (Toby's foot is still wedged between the door and the doorway), but she has absolutely no doubt that if she lets Toby in, he will not leave until a) she calls the police (even then, there's a chance he'll stay) or, b) she agrees to see Frozen with him, which is an idea that she's still not really willing to carry through with.

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