Meeting The Poverty God

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I sighed in exhaustion as we were walking away from the school and towards the house of an old friend of mine. Before we left school, we went to pick up Kiiroi who was more than happy to leave the so-called 'death school'. The whole time, we ran into people who were confessing their love to me and I had to reject them all as quickly as possible because I didn't want to stay any longer for another twenty confessions. I grumbled quietly as we had to wait patiently for the student council representatives as they told us their problems as Midori and I were the president and vice-president.
Now back on the track to head over to Kofuku's place, we ran into another problem that needs to be solved. Only this time, I didn't mind it a single bit as it was my hobby: getting rid of troublesome Phantoms. There just so happened to be one that was hovering over a group of boys from another school.
"Come, Chikyuuki!" I said as Chairo turned into a white flash and enveloped my body and turning into a black officer dress like Bishamon's. "Come, Kikki!" I said as Midori turned into a small flower earring. "Umikki!" I called as Aoi turned into a harpoon and I twirled her in my hands. "Everyone, do your best to hold down that Phantom!"
"Exactly who do you think we are?" Kiiroi said. "We are your regalia, no Phantom can escape our grasp so easily!"
I smiled as I waited for them to capture the Phantom before reciting the chant. Their arms turned into their weapon counterparts as they pushed the Phantom to the ground, giving me the chance to attack. "You who would desecrate this land of the rising sun! I now lay waste with the Umikki...and expel thy vast defilement!" I recited as I ran up to the strange bird-like Phantom and slashed it in half. "Rend!"
We all sighed in exhaustion and, most likely, from the stress in school. Then I heard someone call me from behind.
"Hey, Crystal!" Yato said and wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "That was a spectacular performance. But I bet on my money that I can do better than you."
"Stop making us lose our money, you stupid guardian!" Yukine said and sends Yato rolling down the hill from his flying kick to the face. "Jeez..."
"Ah, Crystal-san. It's good to see you again. Yukine and I were just talking about you," Hiyori said as she walked up to me but got stopped by Midori who looked extremely annoyed. 'Something is going to come out of her mouth and we won't be able to stop her,' I noticed when she pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath.
"Young lady, do you not realise who you are speaking to? This is the great Guardian Crystal, the guardian that watches over all guardians and regalia. Show some respect!" She said like a machine gun on fire as she droned on.
"Well, it's fine Midori. I don't care about formality," I told her calmly and I turned to the two who were looking scared out of their lives. "Why were you talking about me earlier?"
"We were just wondering how you could command Hiyori to do what you tell her back in the school," Yukine said.
"We also want to know why people aren't noticing you like they were in school right now," Hiyori added. "As well as why your regalia can turn into half weapons while keeping a human appearance.
I scratched my cheek as I thought of a simple way to answer them. "Well, I have the ability to command all living beings to do whatever I want as long as I know their names but I prefer not to because it seems a bit inhumane of me."
"That's because you aren't human," Akai and Kiiroi said cheekily behind me.
"Both if you keep your mouths shut while I answer the questions," I snapped and they hid behind Aoi knowing that I have a soft spot for her. It turned back to the two in front of me and answered the remaining question. "As for why people don't notice us it's because we all choose who we want to see us, and the half-weapon half-human ability is something given to every regalia in my clan so they won't be defenceless when I'm not around."
"I see..." Yukine said. "Anyways, we better get heading back to Kofuku's place for dinner."
"It appears we are going to the same place then," Aoi said and held onto Kiiroi's hand as we walked down the hill and picked Yato up along the way.

As we entered the compound of the oden place that Kofuku as staying at, I was attacked by a sudden flash of pink. I rolled backwards and hit my head on a fence as the pink blob rubbed itself against my cheek.
"Cryssie!" Kofuku squealed. "You smell so nice! Your cheek is so soft!"
I sigh in relief along with my other regalia as we realised it was nothing dangerous. Daikoku walked up to me and apologised as he peeled Kofuku off me.
"Sorry about that. She has been a lot more energetic ever since Yato and Yukine moved into the attic," Daikoku said while bowing in respect. I laughed softly behind my hand.
"Well, at least it is better than sleeping Tenjin's shrines," Midori said, pushing up her glasses.
We walked in and helped out with making dinner while Yato woke up and began rambling on about having to respect the older sibling to me as I washed the vegetables. After eating, we left the house and walked back to our shrine which was in the middle of the city.

"Yato has changed a bit hasn't he?" Chairo said as he dodged an incoming attack and threw a dagger at the Phantom.
"Really? I didn't notice," Akai said with a piece of chicken in his mouth.
"Akai, don't eat while walking or talking," Midori said with a disgusted face as she flipped a Phantom over her head and let Aoi stab it with her harpoon arm.
"That's right, if you choke, nobody is going to care because we already warned you when you refused to listen," Aoi simply said in a monotonous voice. I sighed as I continued to listen to their pointless arguing. I walked to a small eyeball-shaped Phantom that was cowering in fear as I picked it up and squished it a bit, playing with it like it was a ball of slime.
"Hey," I said to the Phantom making it flinch in fear. "How do you take care of a bunch of regalia that are always fighting?" When it doesn't seem to be willing to answer, I squished it and a small symbol appeared and disappeared. "Alright, we just got back from a mission a few days ago and we just finished school so now we are all tired so let's just quickly get home so I can quickly finish off that pile of papers that accumulated," I said and they all agreed. I smiled as we walked back home. 'I wonder what's going to happen tomorrow...' pondered as I walked into my office and began filling in the papers.

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