BBQs and Truths

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I parked my car in the Kroger parking lot, turned it off and opened my door. I had a short list to get for the family barbeque that was gonna happen tonight. My crush (h/n) was going to be present at said party. I was excited. I'd had a crush on him for two years now but only got to see him here and there. I walked into the Kroger, grabbed all that I needed and paid for it. When I got to my car, I popped the trunk and placed my groceries inside. I shut the trunk, got inside my car and  pulled out of the parking lot. I was on my way home when I got a call from (h/n)'s mom. I picked up.

"Hello, what can I bring to the party?" She asked.

"Just bring dessert and drinks... If that's alright?" I offered

"Yeah, that works. See you there!" She hung up and I continued home.

When I arrived home I put the groceries away and headed to my shower. I turned on the hot water and showered.

~Skip to party/bbq~

I waited a good moment until I heard my parents say something about a car pulling up. I walked outside to greet (h/n) and his family. His dad came around first, I hugged him and talked for a moment till he came around the corner. There he was, (h/n), he was taller than last time and a bit more handsome. I blushed but I didn't hug him. I led them inside then started a conversation with him.

"Hey, you've grown.... Geez." I laughed

"I think I'm 6'1 now... How have you been?" He smiled

"I've been alright. Yourself?" I reflected his action.

"I'm alright as well. Good to see you." He smiled a bit bigger and I thought he winked but I ignored it.

"Something to drink?" I asked.

"Orange juice?" He questioned.

I poured him a glass alongside a glass of sweet tea for myself.

After a while of catching up, he offered a bit of football throwing out front and I accepted. We simply threw it back and forth while talking. He had a great arm and made sure I knew. He was impressed with my skills as well. His (e/c) eyes sparkled in the sunlight as we played and it was awfully distracting.

When we finished our throwing we sat down on the grass. I smiled at him and he laughed slightly.

"Can I say something, like I hope it doesn't get awkward but can i?" I struggled

"Of course." He smiled

"I think you're totally cute, I've actually thought that for like two years." I sheepishly admitted

"Thank you, I think you're very pretty and have thought it since I met you." He admitted back.

I blushed and turned my face away to hide it. He gently took my face in his hand and tilted it towards him.

"You're beautiful. Absolutely beautiful, you need more confidence." He winked.

"Thank you, (h/n)." I blushed deeper.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and scooted me closer to him. To where my back was pressed into his chest. I laughed awkwardly for a moment and he offered one back.

"One day you will be mine. I promise you. One day you will understand how incredibly stunning you are. How gorgeous you are, how it's attractive you can play football with me, how you should've never been hurt, that those guys didn't deserve you. You are beautiful and I will treat you right. You are worth every bit of it." He stated with a kiss on my cheek.

"Thank you." I turned and met his eyes.

Tears had started to form in mine. He brushed my hair back out of my face and kissed my forehead.

"Always. You deserve it."


Hey look! There ya go. Spontaneous chapter based off of what happened to me this weekend but I added and changed a few things😊✌️🏼 but mine was almost as good as this. Anyways, yeah so here's an update.... Now I've got editing to do.... Bye....


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