The Flashback

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Knuckles walked into the Underground's 'Base', he hadn't seen them for a while and thought he would stop by.

Sonic was sitting at the table with a headset on hacking into a transmission.

'Hey Sonic' Knuckles said

'Hey Knux,' Sonic said distractedly, "Sorry Robotnik has been very active over the past few weeks and now he's sent a transmission to Sleet and Dingo."

'Well let's hear it.'

Sonic played the transmission, unplugging the headphones.

'Now you two are looking after production, so don't mess anything up. I'm going to the next country to get more power.'

Sonic switch it off.

'Well, Sonic,' Knuckles said 'what'll we do?'

'I need to go and help them.'

'I'll move Angel Island to suit so you can visit, or get help if you need it.'

'Thanks Knuckles, you're a great friend.' Sonic said sadly.

He grabbed his things leaving his medallion and guitar behind and ran with Knuckles to go to the next country leaving his siblings behind.

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