10. broken promises

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i skimmed through the article i was reading on my laptop for ap psychology. we've already read it and done an assignment on it, but i have a test on it tomorrow, so i'm reviewing it.

i heard running down the hall, and then jessibelle slammed her hands against my open door frame, out of breath. "tessa, i think there's something that you need to see." she looked concerned, and even though she said think, i could tell she thought that it was totally necessary.

i nodded, getting slightly worried as i closed my silver macbook. i followed her down the hallway to her bedroom, walking in to see gemma sitting at her desk with her laptop open. it looked like she was looking at an article.

"hartfieldhappenings posted something." gemma said quietly, sliding the computer towards me. i grabbed it, sitting down on jessie's bed as i read the title.

"Trouble in Paradise? Tessanique Hartfield's Short Lived Boyfriend Seen Out With New Fling"

"i didn't know that you guys broke up..." jessie said quietly as well, sitting down beside me and resting her hand on my shoulder.

i didn't know if i should be hurt, angry, or not affected. my head felt like it was spinning, and i could feel my skin heating up. "w-we didn't." i muttered, not having the confidence to look up from the computer screen. out of the corner of my eye, i saw jessibelle look up to gemma and make eye contact.

"at least it was fake, right?" gemma offered consolation by reminding me we weren't really a couple, but it sure did feel like we were.

"yeah." i closed the laptop, hurrying out of the room before i cried in front of them. i closed my door behind me, tears starting to leave my eyes. no, tessa, you can't be crying over him. it wasn't that long, it was fake. it's not a big deal.

i wiped my cheeks, not allowing myself to cry anymore than i did for ten seconds. he isn't that important. right? i don't know. i should've known that luke couldn't keep up with this, i should've listened to indigo. where even is indigo? she wasn't at school today either.


"hey, wait up!" a voice called after me while i walked home from the library, where i caught up on all the work i missed in school today.

i paused, turning around to see a tan, tall, and tattooed frat looking boy. who the hell is this? "um, yes?"

"it's phoenix, right?" he had a small smile on his face when he caught up to me, leaning his arm against the stop sign pole i was standing by.

"how...how do you know my name?" i questioned him, starting to get creeped out by him.

he chuckled, "you don't recognize me?" when i shook my head, he continued, "i was the guy you snorted coke off of at wesley's party."

my cheeks burned, and i hid my face behind my white binder, "oh dear god, this is so embarrassing."

"it's no biggie, the pleasure was all mine, you know, to have a pretty girl like you breathing off my chest." he winked, now leaning his entire left side against the stop sign pole.

his compliments did not help the redness in my face to go down, but i moved the binder back down again to look at him. he's really hot, jesus. "well," i adjusted the books i was holding, "i wouldn't plan on it happening again. that was my first time, and definitely, my last time."

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