Chapter 3

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I has been a week since I talked to Puck on the phone. I have been looking everywhere for stuff. Puck and Rachel has been helping me. I called and text them a lot now. They have been looking when I asked them. I go to the library and look at newspapers and books to see if I can fin anything. I heard my phone ring. It was Puck who was calling me. I answered him.

"Hey Puck." I said.

"Hey Marley." He said.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Do you have plans after school?" He asked me.

"No. Why?" I asked him.

"Okay. Meet me at Limo Bean after school. I think I found some things." He said.

"Really.?" I said.

"Yeah." He told me.

"Okay then. I will see you after school." I told him.

"Okay. Bye." He said.

"Bye." I said. I hanged up the phone and walked down the hallway to the glee room. I was going to meet Jake, Ryder, Brittany, Artie, Sam, and Joe to hang out for our free period. I walked to hall thinking about stuff. Can't wait for after school. I walked into the glee room.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey baby." Jake said getting up and giving me a kiss.

"Hey Marley." Ryder said.

"Hey Mar." Brittany said smiling.

"Did you just call me Mar?" I asked Brittany.

"Yes. It's a nickname I made up." She said.

"Okay then. But only you are allowed to call me it." I said.

"Yeah." She said smiling and clapping her hands.

"So what's up guys?" I asked the guys.

"Nothing much." Sam said.

"Wheeling around." Artie said. We talked the whole time until the bell rang. When the bell rang I got up to go to gym class. I gave Jake a hug and a kiss on the cheek. I walked to gym with Joe. I walked into the gym room with Tina and Sugar. Unique, Joe, Blaine, and Rory was already there talking with each other. When gym was over I went to lunch room.

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