Chapter 23

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(A/N: I don't own Home by Michael Bublé and The Only Exception by Paramore.)

Austin then got the guys who would be playing with them. The others and I went to sit to watch them. Kitty and Jake was the captions. Kitty went first with picking. She picked my brother. Jake picked Ryder first. So this is going to be good.

They picked their teams and started to play. The rest watched. Few of us betted on who would win. I was torn. But I know who would win. It was going to be Kitty's team. When the game was done. They can over to us.

"So who won Puckerman. Right my team. What was the score again. Can someone please tell me?" Kitty asked us.

"You don't have to tell her." Jake said annoyed with Kitty.

"13 to 3" Brittany said to us.

"Brittany you didn't have to tell her." Jake said.

"But she asked so I answered. You are a sower loser." Brittany looked at him. "Your girlfriend even betted Kitty was going to win." Brittany said.

"What Marley?" Jake said looking at me.

"Oh that is just amazing." Kitty said laughing her head off.

"What. Kitty is really good." I said to him.

"But I am good too." He said.

"Yeah you are. But Kitty is amazing at being quarterback. Quarterback is not your straight." I said.

"Yeah. Don't worry I am not mad. If I was in your shoes I would pick Kitty too." Jake said.

"Any ways me and Ryder plays a lot and I kick his ass always. Also you forget before my brothers left. I played with them and they taught me everything they know." Kitty said.

"What Ryder? Come on. Are you kidding me?" Jake asked looking at Ryder.

"Kitty I thought we promised not to tell anyone." Ryder said.

"Well Jake douted me so I had to. Sorry but I had to tell." She said patting Ryder's cheek.

We hanged out with my brother and his friends for a little bit longer. Then it was getting late and we all had school the next day. So we headed home. But I stopped when I saw Kitty and Ryder talking secretly. I know it is wrong but I need to know what is going on between those two.

"What are you doing?" Jake and Austin asked me.

"Shhh. Be quiet before they hear you." I said pointing to Kitty and Ryder.

"Spying my sister." Austin said to me.

"Yeah. I know it is wrong but I need to know what is going on between those to." I said.

"With you on that babe. I think they are dating." Jake said.

They we stopped talking to listen to them. We listened into Ryder and Kitty's conversation.

"Oh come on. Don't be mad at me for telling them." Kitty said.

"I am not. But I know your team would bet us. But I was upset you didn't pick me." Ryder said.

"Oh come on. You know it would be a fun game if we were ageanst each other. You know that." Kitty said.

"So I haven't got to ask you this question." Ryder said.

"What is it?" Kitty asked consured.

"What is your secret for this week?" Ryder asked her. Why does he want to know her secret? I don't know it.

"Don't you wish you know. I don't know who has my secret. I really wished it was you. You would have got it done with." Kitty said.

"I know. So who do you think has it? What is it?" Ryder asked again.

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