Chapter 7

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I stayed back to talk to Rachel. Jake came up to me before he left to give me a kiss. Then he left after Sam. I waited until everyone left to talk to her. When everyone left I turned to her. She gave me a hug.

"So..." She said letting me go.

"This is what Puck found." I should Rachel the folder of papers.

"Where did he find all of these?" She asked.

"I don't know. I never got around asking him." I told her.

"Okay. I will ask him when I see him." Rachel said.

"Okay thanks." I told her. The bell rang for seventh block. I said good bye to Rachel and started to head to Social Studies. I meet up with Ryder. We walked the rest of the way together. We got to class before the bell rang again. We took a seat by each other. I help Ryder in Social Studies when he needs it.

"Okay class. Quiet down so we can start class." Mr. Shuester said standing in front of the room. Social Studies went by fast. The rest of the day went by fast. I walked to the glee room. We have after school practice on Thursdays. I walked in to see Rachel and Puck.

"Hey Marley." Rachel said turning from Puck.

"Hey sister in law." Puck said.

"What?" Rachel and I said at the same time.

"What?" He said looking at both of us.

"What did you just call me and why?" I said.

"What? Sister in law." He said.

"Yeah." I said confused.

"A nickname. I am going to call you." He said smiling.

"Really. No." I said.

"To bad. I'm going to call you that if you like it or not." He said.

"Whatever." I said.

"So what were you two talking about when I walked in?" l asked.

"Where he got the papers." Rachel told me looking at Puck.

"Where?" I asked quickly.

"To my surprise. Noah here went looking by himself." Rachel said.

"Really Puck." I said looking at him.

"Yeah. Why are you two so shocked about it?" He said looking at us.

"Just am." I said.

"Same here." Rachel said. Then people started to walk in. I looked at Rachel and Puck they know that was the end to us talking about that. Puck nodded his head to understand. Rachel looked at us to say talk later. I walked to a seat by Jake and sat down.

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