Chapter 10

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Underlined is mindlinks.

"You've thrown your lot in with them. You're not a Viking, you're not my son," Stoick said and Hiccup's heart broke when he heard his father say that. Sam felt Hiccup's heartbreak and she tried to free herself, but to no avail. "Ready the ships!" Stoick yelled. The ships were being readied. "Hiccup, help me. Please," Hiccup heard Sam's voice in his head. Hiccup was confused on how Sam could speak with him. "Since we mated, I can speak to you using a mind link," Sam explained. "Oh. How are you?" Hiccup asked Sam who responded, "I'm scared. The queen is not going to be happy. They're tying me down to the ships using all sorts of contraptions. They forced me to be in my dragon form," Sam said. "Don't worry. I'll get you out of there," Hiccup promised Sam. Hiccup was angry that his mate was forced to do something that she did not agree to. "Hurry. Please," Sam said to Hiccup. "I will," Hiccup said. "Set sail! We head for Hell Higham's gate," Stoick said and then he saw Hiccup watching. Hiccup watched as Sam was strapped to the boat. The ships sailed off with his mate and best friend. "Lead us home, devil," Stoick said to Sam. Sam glared at him and then sadly looked at the ground.
Astrid came up behind Hiccup. "It's a mess. You must feel horrible. You've lost everything, your father, your tribe, your mate," Astrid stated. "Thank you for summing that up. Though this is a mess, I wouldn't change having Sam as my mate," Hiccup said. "Why?" Astrid asked Hiccup, curious. "She's the best thing that's ever happened to me," Hiccup answered. "Oh. Why didn't you kill her?" Astrid questioned. "I couldn't," Hiccup said to Astrid. "That's not an answer," Astrid said and Hiccup asked, "Why is this so important to you all of the sudden?" Astrid responded with, "Because I want to remember what you say right now." "Oh for the love of— I was a coward. I was weak I wouldn't kill a dragon, especially her," Hiccup said. "You said 'wouldn't' that time," Astrid commented. "Well whatever! I wouldn't, three hundred years and I'm the first Viking who wouldn't kill a dragon, especially mate with one," Hiccup said. "First to ride one though... so," Astrid added. "I wouldn't kill her because the first time I saw her she looked, so frightened. I looked at her and I saw myself," Hiccup said while remembering the moment he looked into her eyes. "I bet she's really frightened now. What are you going to do about it?" Astrid asked. "Ehh. Probably something stupid," Hiccup said. "Good, but you've already done that," Astrid commented. "Then something crazy," Hiccup said while running to the arena.
Stoick brought the ships to Hell Higham's Gate. "Sound your positions. Stay within earshot," Stoick announced. "Listen, Stoick. I was overhearing some of the men just now. And well, you know some of them are wondering what it is that we're up to here. Not me of course. I know that you're always the man with a plan, but some, not me, are wondering if there is in fact a plan at all and what it may be," Gobber asked Stoick. "Find the nest and take it," Stoick said to Gobber, determined. "Oh, of course. Send them running," Gobber said before Stoick shushed him. Sam was twitching and Stoick watched carefully before grabbing onto the wheel. Sam stuck her head up and was leading them right into the queen's domain.
"If you're thinking about being eaten. I'd definitely go with the Gronckle," Fishlegs said to Hiccup. "You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon. It's me!" Tuffnut said while pushing his way to Hiccup. "I love this plan," Snotlout said while pushing Tuffnut out of the way. "I didn't—" Hiccup started, "You're crazy. I like that," Ruffnut whispered and Astrid pulled Ruffnut away. "So, what is the plan?" Astrid asked and Hiccup smiled, but then frowned. Hiccup felt Sam's emotion of fear. It was so strong that Hiccup almost fell over and Astrid steadied Hiccup. "What's wrong?" The teens asked. "Sam. She's in trouble. We have to do this, quickly," Hiccup said. On the boat, Sam was terrified. The queen would destroy all the boats and probably kill all of the Vikings. Sam was leading them right to the island, but she couldn't help being controlled by the force.
At the arena, Hiccup lead out the Monstrous Nightmare very carefully. Snotlout grabbed a spear when Astrid smacked him. Snotlout put the spear down. Hiccup grabbed Snotlout's hand, "Wait. What are you—" Snotlout yelled. "Shhh. Shhh. It's okay," Hiccup said as he put Snotlout's hand on the dragon's nose. Hiccup walked away to the bin. "Where are you going?" Snotlout asked as he kept his eyes on the dragon. "You're going to need something to hold on to," Hiccup said while grabbing rope. The other dragons were let out.

Another chapter for you! Hope you liked it! A new chapter coming soon!

xx Livie<3

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