Chapter 12

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Third POV
Hiccup and Sam flew under and through rocks, while the queen just bashed her way through. Hiccup looked up to the sky and told Sam, "Alright, Sam. Time to disappear," Hiccup said while pulling Sam up into the dark clouds. "Let's go, Sam!" The queen followed them up to the clouds but then couldn't find them. "You ungrateful dragon! Where'd you go?" The queen roared. Hiccup and Sam blasted her and kept blasting her until the queen fired fire everywhere. Sam tail fin caught on fire. "Okay. Time's up. Let's see if this'll work," Hiccup said while looking at Sam's tail. "C'mon is that the best you can do!" Hiccup yelled. "Come get us!" Sam called out. Hiccup and Sam flew in sight of the queen and then they dived down.
The queen followed. Hiccup knew that his contraption was failing, "We're good, mate, just a little bit longer," Hiccup told Sam. "Okay. I trust you," Sam said. The queen was readying to fire, "Hold, Sam... now!" Hiccup yelled. Sam turned around and blasted a plasma blast in the queen's mouth. The queen hit the ground, hard making a big explosion. Hiccup and Sam flew up the queen's back as she caught on fire. Hiccup's contraption failed and Sam couldn't move away from the queen's tail. Sam and Hiccup hit the queen's tail. Hiccup was knocked off of Sam. Sam immediately went to save her mate. Sam dove into the fire as fast as she could without a tail-fin.
After the queen exploded, her body disintegrated in the explosion. Stoick looked for his son. "Hiccup! Hiccup! Son!" Stoick yelled while looking around for Hiccup. Then he saw Sam. She was in her dragon form. She was covered in scratches, bleeding in some places. With her saddle burnt badly, she was passed out. Sam transformed into her hybrid form. Sam was alive and breathing, but Hiccup was nowhere to be seen. Sam's wings were wrapped around herself. "Oh, son. I did this," The villagers crowded around Sam. Stoick was on his knees in front of Sam. Sam woke up and opened her eyes. She stared right at Stoick, "Oh, son. I'm so sorry," Stoick said in a broken voice. Sam widened her eyes and opened her wings. Hiccup was in her arms. Stoick immediately grabbed his son and listened to his son's heart. When Stoick heard his heartbeat he breathed a sigh of relief. "He's alive! You brought him back to life," Stoick said to Sam, gratefully. He picked Sam up in his arms. "Thank you for saving my son," Stoick said to Sam who rested her head on Stoick's shoulder and fell asleep.
|| Some time later ||
Sam laid next to her mate, waiting patiently for him to wake up. She poked him and whispered, "Please wake up. You've been asleep for awhile now. Please..." Sam said while tears filled her eyes. Sam started to cry, then a hand wiped her tears. Sam looked up to see that Hiccup was awake. "Hiccup!" Sam yelled while hugging Hiccup tightly. Hiccup hugged her back. "How long was I asleep?" Hiccup questioned. "Long enough," Sam said while hugging him. "Well, I'm awake now. Thank you, Sam," Hiccup said while looking down at her. Sam looked up at him in a questioning way. "for saving my life," Hiccup said gratefully and Sam smiled, "I had to save you. You're my mate and I love you. I couldn't think of a life without you in it," Sam replied. Hiccup and Sam shared a kiss before Sam got up off of the bed. Sam bit her lip, nervous for Hiccup's reaction. Hiccup pulled the covers off of him and saw the damage.
Hiccup lost his left foot. Hiccup breathed in and out, trying to stay calm. Sam watched Hiccup carefully. Hiccup got up on his right foot and tried to walk. Hiccup stumbled a little. He then put all of his weight on his left foot and almost fell, but Sam caught him. "Thanks, Sam. You're the best," Hiccup said to Sam who helped Hiccup walk to the door. Hiccup opened the door and saw a Monstrous Nightmare. Hiccup immediately slammed the door shut. Sam stared at Hiccup and Hiccup stared at her. Sam nodded her head to go on. Hiccup slowly opened the door again and saw Snotlout riding the Monstrous Nightmare. "Are you guys ready? Hang on tight, here we go!" Snotlout yelled while he and his Monstrous Nightmare flew away. Hiccup walked out of the house with Sam behind him.
"Hey look, it's Hiccup!" Someone yelled. Everyone stared and started to cheer. There were dragons everywhere. Hiccup couldn't believe his eyes. "I knew it. I'm dead," Hiccup said in astonishment and Sam giggled. "No, but you gave it your best shot. So, what do you think?" Stoick said coming up behind his son. "It's amazing, why?" Hiccup asked his father who replied, "Turns out all we needed was a little more of... this." Stoick gestured to Hiccup. "You just gestured to all of me," Hiccup said as Sam stood next to Hiccup, watching his astonishment. Stoick smiled and said, "Sam saved you." Hiccup looked over at Sam in a grateful way. "Well, most of you. That bit's my handy work. With a little Hiccup flare, do you think it'll do?" Gobber asked. "I might make a few tweaks," Hiccup said and the crowd laughed. Astrid came up behind him and punched him. "That's for scaring me," Astrid said and Hiccup just laughed at her while rubbing his arm. Sam immediately checked his arm. "I'm fine, Sam," Hiccup said to Sam who glared at Astrid. Hiccup grabbed Sam then dipped her and kissed her. The crowd 'oohed.'
"Welcome home," Gobber said while giving Hiccup a new tail fin contraption and a saddle for Sam. Sam smiled transformed into her dragon form and rubbed up against Hiccup. Hiccup smiled and hooked it all up. Hiccup hopped on Sam, but he didn't harness in. He was getting used to not needing the harness. The new tail fin was a bright red rather than the old brown. "You ready, Sam?" Hiccup asked his mate. "Of course I am," Sam replied. Hiccup looked around his new and improved home before taking off. As he went around the island the teens followed him. Sam flew up high into the clear sky. Hiccup cheered as Sam roared happily.

The End. That's it. I know my endings are very sucky, but I do hope you liked it. Again if you want me to write an epilogue or a sequel, all you have to do is ask! Please share, vote and comment on what you want my fellow dragon trainers. I had so much fun writing this story! I am glad that you all were there! Until my next story...

xx Livie<3

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