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2 hours later.


why'd she close the door?

Why'd I drive her away?

Why can't I just tell her?

I should've told her.

These were my thoughts before I take another bottle of beer out the fridge.

"Put it down" Eric says putting his hands up in case I try to hit him again.

"Screw you" I sneer drinking it from out the bottle.

"You sound like Rose" Eric claims rolling his eyes.

I start tearing up at the sound of her name. "She's gone now" I say plainly.

"They tried everything they could" Eric says sadly.

"It's my fault I said I would keep her safe" I cry throwing the bottle across the room. It shattered, beer spills on the ground. Eric isn't the least bit surprised at my actions. I've been breaking stuff for a while. Katie left with her packed bags Mya followed after her even though Katie wanted time alone. I'm lost for words as I curl up in a ball in the kitchen and cry. The one girl I've ever loved gone forever. Eric doesn't bother helping me up he's used to my breakdowns. He'd grown accustomed to it when my parents died. This was just as bad than that, my heart never hurt so bad.

I wake up thinking about that odd dream. I get up going to my office, I decide to do some research about who put a tracker on her car while I wait for them to get back with Rose. I'm anxious to see her.


I wake up feeling groggy, I hear someone get up and come over to me.

"Your up" Katie says smiling she looks tired she has bags under her eyes and her hair looks like a tornado.

I sit up, a light pain shoots through my arm . She noticed me wince "Slow down Rose".

I lay back down, "What happened-".

"There was a small mishap with your car" She explains. "you needed stitching your arm and suffered a small concussion but other than your fine".

"Why was I asleep?" I ask confused.

"You panicked when we got into the hospital they had to put you to sleep".

"I want to leave" I say getting up slowly my arm stung a little but just a pinch.

"let me get the doctor" She says, 5 minutes later a lady comes in.

"Ok let me give you one more shot, and run a few more test than your free to go" she states plucking the needle.

"If you touch me with that thing your dead" I threaten. "Rose..." she complains. "Move" I warn the lady as she gets closer.


I feel calm walking out the hospital with Katie and Eric. We get in the limo avoiding all questions and pictures.

I grab a bottle of wine. "I don't think that's a good idea mixing alcohol with the medication you just-" Eric starts.

"You want to try and pry it from my hands?" I snap. He puts his hands up on defense, "you and Alex are going to babysit each other because I quit" He says.

By the time we get to the house I'm out of it.
"Who killed Roger Rabbit?" I ask while walking through the door.

I'm greeted by Mya in her sweatpants and big white shirt. She sighs"you let her drink?".

Rose Winter (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now