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"Come here Rose" Alex orders calmly. But I'm not to be fooled, it's always calm before a storm.

I shake my head refusing.

We are downstairs with Katie's dad, me, Alex, and Eric.

I sit on the couch while Alex stands near the door.

"Rose your boyfriend wants to talk to you," Eric says smirking on the other couch.

Katie's dad looks uncomfortable, serves him right.

I look at him, "Ben why are you here, it doesn't even surprise me that you're alive right now" I say to him.

"Well, I-" He starts.

"Rose come here or so help me...." Alex growls.

"Hey, don't talk to Rose like that" Ben says.

"It's ok" I get up and follow Alex to the inside porch, he slams the door closed.

"You let a stranger in the house!".

"It's 2 in the morning I asked him was he here to harm any of us," I say even though I know that excuse is a lame one I don't really have a good one due to the fact that it was a stupid thing to do.

"" He states slowly.

"Technically he's not a stranger now that you know who he is".

He shakes his head, "Go upstairs Rose" He orders.

"No I want to stay downstairs," I say walking out the room and into the living room.

Katie is now holding the gun to Ben's head, no surprise there.

"I thought you were dead!" She yells at him.

"Wait so is my dad dead or did he fake it too?" I ask.

"He's dead" Ben answers sadly.

I'm about to say something until I get picked up and put on Alex's shoulder.

"I told your ass to go upstairs" he walks upstairs.

"Alexander Ridden if you don't put me down.." I hit his hardback he suddenly pulls up my robe and smacks my ass.

"Stop" He orders I know that one probably left a mark.

I sigh as he opens the door and sits me on the bed.

"Go to sleep I'll handle it," He says slamming the door.

I pace around the room for 10 minutes until I realize I don't listen to him anyway. I walk downstairs everyone is calm.

It's not like Katie's dad is a violent man he's gentle...well I thought so.

He took us to carnivals and amusement parks when my mom and Katie's mom were having their "spa day", which mostly included sitting in the living room drinking wine and eating pizza.

Everyone stops talking and looks at me.

I look at Alex he's pissed sitting in a single chair. I walk over and sit on his lap.

"please don't mind me keep talking," I say.

"Well he's just visiting nothing more," Katie says quickly.

"Jesus, aren't any of you sick of lying?" I roll my eyes.

She simply ignores me and talks with Ben about his stay. While they are preoccupied with that, Alex whispers in my ear "I thought I told you to go to sleep?".

Rose Winter (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now