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"I had to save Mya" Alex repeats.

"You don't do that by trading us when your supposed to be protecting us! Treating us as slaves" I argue.

We're all sat around the huge table in the bodyguard's room.

Me,Alex,Katie,Eric,Kareem,Trey,Misty,and Mya added with 3 bodyguards in case things get heated.

Last night Alex agreed to tell everything he knows, demanding everyone to get some sleep.

It's exactly 11:30am and everyone is tense.

"I know I was wrong, I should've found another way to handle it but I promise both of you no one will ever lay a finger on you nor Katie" He says.

I look him in his eyes although he doesn't show his feelings often I see his emotions in his eyes, he didn't have to say it.

"So you didn't know Salem kidnapped us?" Katie asks.

" No not then only thing I knew was that he had Mya, as soon as we got out the orphanage when we were 19 me and Eric looked for jobs and took one as your mother's bodyguards for awhile. Until Salem killed her, we didn't know that Salem was connected with you. Me and Eric didn't even know you existed, she kept you hidden from the new gaurds that was until your mother left a letter saying we were now to protect only you and Katie.

We had men searching for both of you as soon as the letter arrived a day after she died by then Mya...We didn't find Mya until 3 months later at a auction with Salem. Consequently we found out that Salem kidnapped you guys but you both got away. Salem found out we were protecting you and Katie, and made me a deal; exchange you guys for Mya. Not thinking I signed the contract since you already escaped so I wasn't technically giving you guys up and Mya was so close to being in my arms. The next day I vowed to keep both of you safe from the hands that printed the contract out, and watched over you for the past 2 years. I am deeply sorry to all 3 of you yes, I could've thought of a better plan but I longed to get my sister back".

I'm baffled and speechless until Katie speaks up "Tamia Savlo".

"Now her name was on the back of the contract,which I didn't read so you technically belong to her until we find Salem" Eric explains.

"She belongs to me!" Alex belows slamming his fist on the table. Everyone jumps.

"So why are you so important? Everyone seems so obsessed with Rose not Katie nor Mya" A voice says coming from the door we all looked at Angelina leaning against the door.

I feel uneasy around her, I don't trust her, she seemed so friendly this morning, her friendly attitude now gone.

"Probably because he didn't brand her with Tamia's famous indent". Mya scoffs.

I'm confused, "what?".

I turn my head to Katie. "I didn't see a mark on you" I say to her.

"They at least let me pick where I wanted it" Katie says looking at Alex as if he could read her mind, she tells everyone to turn away from her they did so even Alex himself and Angelina did.

Katie lifts up her skirt and stood up showing a dark burn mark that looks like a diamond on the side of her thigh. Katie pulls her skirt down and sits back down.

I tap Alexander, "Turn around" he orders everyone.

"So what do you know since your here" I ask Angelina.

"I'm just here for Alex''s pleasure" she says sarcastically smiling, I laugh but it comes out bitter, "please I give him enough so what do you know about Tamia?" I ask.

Rose Winter (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now