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Familiars outfit:

Gias outfit:


Familiars POV

"C'mon Gia their gonna catch us if we don't run." I whisper to my best friend as we try to sneak past the cops that were looking for us.

"Ok, ok I say we crawl under the cop car and escape that way." She explained.

"Good plain, we crawl together." I say and we start crawling.

Once we got under the car I looked to see if any cops were on the other side. The cost was clear so we crawled out and made a run for it. We keep running until the cops and cop cars were out of site.

"That was so FUN." I scream.

"He'll yeah it was." Gia yelled with me.

Me and Gia have been best friend sense the day I walked up to her on her first day of kindergarten. Ever sense then we've been joint at the hip.

"Can we go walk around the park?" I ask.

"Yeah I guess." Gia replied.

We walk through the entrance of the park and start walking down the path. We walk in silence. Not and awkward silence, but a clam comforting one. We continue are walk until we walk into people.

"Shit, I'm sorry." I say getting off the stranger and helping him up.

"It ok, I wasn't paying attention." He says.

I look up to see the most beautiful boy I've ever seen. He had brown hair put up into a perfect quiff. He was tall about 5'11. And had amazing blue eyes that you could get lost in.

"I'm Familiar." I say sticking my hand out for him to shake.

"Donnie." He says shaking my hand. "This is my friend Cameron."

"Hi." I say shaking his hand. "This is my best friend Gia." I say.

They shake hand and Donnie looks back over to me. We stood there just looking into each other's eyes.

"I love your eyes." He says still looking into my eyes.

"I love yours too." I say.

I look over to Gia and see she is talking to Cameron. I think she has a crush. ohhhh I'll half to ask her when we get home. I pull out my phone and look at the time.

"We should get going, its getting late." I say looking back at Donnie.

"Yeah we should too, umm...can I have your number so we know maybe hang out sometime?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.

"Sure." I say handing him my phone and taking his. Once I put my number in I handed him his phone back and took mine from him.

" Bye Donnie. Bye Cameron." I say grabbing Gia and walking away.

"Bye Familiar. Bye Gia." The boys yelled back.

Sweet new friends.

Donnie's POV

I watched as she walked away. She was so beautiful. Her long brown hair, and her eyes. Oh my her eyes they were so different. One was blue and the other was green.

I turned to look at Cameron to see him watching Gia.

"Dude, they were amazing." He says looking at me.

"Yeah, they were different. And I think I have a crush on Familiar." I state.

"Same, with Gia." He replied.

"Wait, Cam we seen them earlier, that were running for cops." I said with wide eyes.

Cams eyes got wide too and he said "Oh yeah."

"I wonder why they were running from them though." I say. "C'mon we need to get home I'm hungry."

*At their house*

We walked into my house and I went strait to the kitchen to get something

to eat. I grabbed a bag of Hot Cheetos and a can of Pepsi and walked into the living room. I plop down on the couch, grab the TV remote and turn on the TV. I keep switching threw the channels but couldn't find anything interesting on, so I turned off the TV and just sit and think. All I could think about was Familiar. I hope to see her soon. Maybe I should text her and ask if her and Gia wan to come over tomorrow. Yeah I will. I grab my phone out if my pocket and click on Familiars contact name.

To: Familiar the sexiest

girl alive

Nice contact name. I was wondering if you and Gia wanted to come over tomorrow? You know to just hang out.

Once I sent it I got a reply not even a second later.

From: Familiar the sexiest girl alive

Sure. When and where.

To: Familiar the sexiest girl alive

7:50 at 124 jackstone street

From: Familiar the sexiest girl alive

Ok see you then :) bye

To: Familiar the sexiest girl alive


When we were done texting I run up to Cams room to see him being a bum and laying on the floor on his phone.

"Familiar and Gia are coming over tomorrow." I say and his head shot up at the sound of Gia's name.

"Really?" He asked with excitement in his eyes.

"Yup I just got done texting Familiar, and that are coming over at 7:50."

"YES!" He yelled and started dancing around his room.

Tomorrow is gonna be great.

Familiars POV

When I got done texting Donnie I ran up to Gia's room only to see her going threw her closet like usual.

"We're going over Donnie and Cameron's tomorrow." I say jumping up and down with excitement.

"Are you serious?" she asked looking just as happy and excited as me.

"Belly yeah, I just got done texting Donnie. We're going at 7:50." I say.

"FUCK YEAH." She screamed.

Tomorrow is gonna be great.

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