Not all dolls are toys

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(Forgive me for bad accents)

The first thing Spy noticed was the over bearing numbness. He tried to sit up but was to numb to lift a finger. He tried to look around the room but the light above him glared it all out. He tried to call out but when he opened his mouth no sound came out. He was helpless but it was only now that Spy noticed something. The light above him was massive and was ever Spy was on looked like a giant tray. As each second passed Spy's panic rose. Where the hell was he? What had that bastard of a Magician done to him? Why couldn't he move? After a few minutes Spy heard sounds like footsteps down stairs. They got closer and closer til Spy knew they were out side the room. A door creaked open and that god damn chuckled echoed in the room. The Magician smiled at his work truly surprised that this worked but he'd never admit. He turned off the lamp so the Spy could see. To the Magician all he saw was a perfect plan. But the Spy the Magician had either made everything bigger or shrunk him. Spy decided the latter was most likely. He tried getting up once more but still couldn't move. The Magician noticed the Spy's struggle an chuckled again.

"You should see yourself your like a warm veteran who just woke up after having his arms and legs cut off!" The Magician burst out laughing.

Spy found none of it funny and tried to turn himself over but failed. He tried to speak again, nothing came out, he'll he even tried looking around again but having been able to only move his eyes his vision was limited.

Days soon passed with Spy in that room the Magician would check on him every now and again. But that was the least of Spy's problem's for throughout his time there he noticed he didn't have to eat, drink, or sleep and he was sure he wasn't even breathing. He didn't know what was going on and with each passing day his worry and panic grew. It was today though that Spy had felt something he turned over finally and after a bit of falling countlessly he managed to stand. But he still couldn't speak. He reached for his weapons but found nothing. Not that it didn't surprise him. But he found a very strange stuffed toy that looked an awful lot like his cigarette case. Even stuff toy cigarettes inside as well. It was then that his vision seem to stop blurring and he saw his hand. Of course if he had a voice he would have screamed. His whole body looks plush he felt his eyes and found his fear true. They were buttons that Magician made him into a doll. That explained the numbness and lack of voice or even breath. But he was panicking and for the first time in a long time he didn't know what to do. He tried screaming, begging, anything just to make this nightmare stop where it stood.

No, Spy was strong he could handle this he just needed to plan his escape. Then he could get back to his team and they would figure out how to turn him back. Yes that was it he calmed down and laid down on the tray like he was before and waited.

It wasn't long til that rancid Magician came back. Everything happened so fast the Spy had jumped up trying to get to the door. But was caught when the Magician used a levitation spell. Spy struggled but it did nothing to the magic. He was brought back to the tray and pin with the Magician's hand. Spy was disgusted and continued trying to fight but his soft plush hands did nothing but tickle him. With one hand the Magician held Spy down with the other he reached into a box. He lifted the Spy up and placed a small red pillow on the tray and placed the (still struggling) Spy on it. He then pulled out four pin needles with yellow sphere tops. As soon as Spy saw them he panicked he tried biting but he had no teeth. He tried scratching but he had no nails. The Magician smiled placing three on the tray and held up one. He pinned Spy's left arm down with his thumb and inserted the needle into it. Spy expected excruciating pain but felt nothing. When Spy was able to see it he almost fainted the needle was deep in his arm and pinning his arm to the pillow. Spy was so distracted that he didn't realize Merasmus had pinned his other arm already. He kicked the best he could but like before it was hard to pin (pun) him. If he could breath he was sure he would be hyperventilating. He couldn't take this. First his body was morphed into a doll and now he was a pin cushion for the Magician's pleasure. God he just wanted to die he didn't know what was worse. The fact he can't feel the needles or maybe the fact that he wished he could do he could die. There was no blood. The Magician laughing seeing Spy struggle.

"Don't worry you'll get out I just need to secure. Can't have you escaping ey?"

He smiles wickedly before placing a cloth over Spies eyes.

The base was very quiet no one knew what to say. It had been a week sence Spy went on his mission with Pyro. But Spy never came back. They didn't know wether or not to try and save him or wait some more. The silence was unnerving but no one could seem to break it. Til there was a knock at the door. Medic who was closest to it stood up and walked over not knowing what was on the other side. He found a small box neatly wrapped up with a wilted rose pinstripe pattern and small tag on it.

For: Red team
From: Merasmus

"Yo what is it doc?" Scout called to him.

Medic knelt down inspecting the box further.

"It's seems like zhe magician 'as left us a gift."

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