Chapter 1

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The room is dark with no windows to be seen. I try to feel for a light on the wall but as I glide my finger tips against the wall I feel nothing but textured wall. For what I can see the room isn't very big. It is a bare room with a closet on the back wall.

I walk over to the closet. It just seemed like your ordinary closet. I was hoping that there would be something that would help me to know where I am and why I am here. I feel for the handle of the closet door, I grasp on it it and yank then door open. There stood something. I don't know what it was but I could see green glowing eyes. I started walking backwards, while the figure starts to come toward me. As I walk back words I hit something, this something was warm and had bright blue eyes then I feel a hand cover my mouth.

I try to scream, but nothing come out of my mouth. I start to freak out, no one can here me. No one will find me. I will die with these to people I don't know. I start to kick at the two people but it is not affecting them. That's when i new that I was use less and I had no way to be rescued.

"Logan!", "Logan!"

How do they know my name? I then start to shake, why am I shaking.

And that is when everything goes black.

I open my eyes to see my brother shaking me half to death. " what the hell Mason!"
"Sorry you were shaking really bad and sweating so I thought I would save you from you nightmare."

Ever since I was little Mason has always been very protective of me. When ever I got hurt or sick he was right by my side taking care of me. Most people think brothers are just these annoying people that you wish you did not know, but for me I got lucky in the brother department.

"Okay thanks."I mumble into my pillow as I try to fall back to sleep. I feel my bed go down a little as Mason sit on the bed. "Do you want to talk about it?" " no, it was just one of my weird bad dreams." I end up sitting back up on the bed because I know that Mason with not leave until I get up.

He gets up and walks toward my door, but then turns around to me. "Hey I was making food do you want any?"
"Yeah sure why not." With that he leaves the room.
Mason is the one person that I don't have anxiety with. He has helped me so much throughout the years. There have been only two people that have been able to get me out of my anxiety attacks, Mason and my best friend Skylar.

My daily routine begins. First with choosing clothes that will make me blend in with the crowd. Then comes the medication. I used to be on Zoloft, but that did not work at all so now I am on a high dose of Prozac  and therapy three times a week. On Monday and Wednesday are one on one sessions and the on Fridays are group therapy sessions.

Once I am done putting my hair in a messy bun and making sure I look okay for the third time I got down stairs and see my brother had made pancakes, which he knows is my favorite.
"Mas, what do you want?" I raise my eyebrows up at him as I look at the plate of perfection
" No I don't want anything I just you had a bad morning so I thought I would be nice, but don't tell anyone." Said with a little smile at the end of the sentence.

I get up from my chair and go over to Mason, he is looking in the cabinet for something so I go up behind him and mess up his hair. He is like six foot so I have to kind of jump to do it but I am successful in the end. Ever since Mason was little he has always gotten really mad when anyone touched his hair.

He snaps his head as me and narrows his eyes at me. I know what was about to happen I start running up the stairs and Mason is catching up real fast. I run into my room  knowing where to go next. The next thing I knew is I was on the floor with a heavy figure on me.

"Mas get the hell off me and what the fuck do you eat you are really heavy."
All I feel is Mason vibrate as he starts to laugh his ass off. After a few minutes he gets off and helps me up.

We both then go down stairs and finish eating and we cleaned up the kitchen.

"Hey Mas so you have anything planned for the day?"
"No "
"Then do you know what I am thinking?"
"Movie day?'
"Movie day."

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