Chapter 2

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"Okay I love movie days but can we watch something else other than Disney movies?"My head slowly faces him with my mouth wide open
"Mas what the hell how can you not love Disney movies? You are not human!"
"Really Logan, I watch Disney movies with you all of the time let me pic one for once." He stuck out his bottom lip and made puppy dog eyes at me. I even think there was a fake tear or two in there.
"Okay Mason, what do you want to watch?"
"WHAT, NO WAY, you know I hate scary movies."
"Exactly." He looks over at me with a smirk on his face. I know this is going to end up bad. I either don't finish the movie  and run out of the room or I watch the whole movie and don't sleep for like a week.
"Don't worry I will protect you."
"Hell with that, you would just look at me and laugh."
"True." Then with that he got a slap on the shoulder.
"Okay lets get this over with."
With that we both sat down on the couch and started the film.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I got up as fast as I could and ran into my room, onto my bed under the blankets. After a few minutes I here someone enter me room laugh their ass off. You could probably guess who, yup Fucking Mason was on the ground rolling around on the ground laughing so hard it sounded like he was hyperventilating.
"Mas shut the hell up it is not that funny!"
"Yes it was and by the way I love your hiding place, Do you think just because you are in a blanket that they can't get to you."
"No, but for some reason it makes me feel safer."
"Okay what ever you say." And with that he was out of my room laughing his ass off again.
"Logan!" , I heard my mom call for me for the fourth time. When ever she calls me down from my room it is never good news. It is either a new thing about therapy or something about me doing stuff to interact with people. For all my life my mom has wanted for me to be just like her. She is a big business woman and a very social person. What she does not understand is that I will never be like that. Every time I just walk out of the house my heart starts to race and feel like I am going to faint.

I walk down the stair and see my mom sitting on the couch. Her face looks serious so I know this will not be good for me.
"Hey mom what did you need?."
"Logan come sit down I have something I have to discuss with you."
I sit on the couch next to her and face my body so it actually looks like I am interested in what she has to say.
"So I have been talking to your therapist." Oh no this can't be good.
"And she said that you need to be getting more out there so I have decided to send you to public school this year so you can be around people your own age."
I just sit there for a second, why is she doing this to me? I have been homeschooled since i was diagnosed with social anxiety. Why is she doing this. This will only make things worst.

My breathing starts to pick up and I start to sweat. I feel like I am going to pass out.
"WHAT? You can't do this. I wont do it."
"This is what is best for you sweet heart."
My breathing started to get faster my head started to spin and the next thing I know is darkness consumed me.

Thanks everyone so much for reading my story. By the way this is my first story and I know this is not the best but when the story is complete I will edit it so it will be a little better. Okay Bye for now

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