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*Emilio's POV*
*throughout all the chapters*

There was a crowd of fans surrounding us, I looked around as more and more people started surrounding. I looked over one edge of our crowd to see a girl, a gorgeous girl, walking away.. she didn't even look excited, she was just walking away.

"That girl is beautiful," I whispered to my brother as we were trying to walk through the crowd as we now had security helping.

When we got back to the team ten house me and my brother went to our bunk beds,

"The girl I saw at the airport, she was beautiful.. absolutely gorgeous," I say to him.

"Come on bro' you can't be hung up over some girl you don't know," (my impression of the twins😂) he says trying to get my mind off it.

"I don't know why I'm caught up.. but she was amazing, and I could already tell," I say while climbing up to my bunk.

*Next day*

Me and Ivan like to go to real school where you can actually interact, be with more friends other than the ones we live with, and meet a whole lot of new people.. but the fan situation has actually gotten hard to handle, theres fans everywhere.. I mean I guess it's kinda our fault but I really can't stand it.

Someone walked in, I was writing so I didn't look up immediately but she walked up to the teacher which grabbed my attention so I looked, it was unbelievable, the girl from the airport.

"So This is our new student, Gabriella," she saw me looking at her for some reason I couldn't stop.

"Bro, that's her," I whispered to my brother.

"Who?" He asked cluelessly.

"The girl from the Airport," I say as I look at her.

"You can sit next to.. Rylee," he says as Rylee raised her hand.

Damn, that's all the way in the back and since I sit in front it won't be easy to talk or look at her, I haven't talked to her at all and I feel love sick. Why is this happening to me?

The class just ended.. I immediately stood up and walked to the back of the class room, she was walking with Rylee.

"Hey," I said walking straight up to her.

"Oh um.. hi?" She says slightly giggling.

"Umm.. uh I saw you at the Airport, did you like just move here or something?"

*Gabby's POV*

His accent was absolutely to die for, he still had his Spanish kinda showing. I'm half Latina but I never got taught to speak Spanish, my mom said since we're in America we don't have to speak Spanish.

"Um- yea.. I did," I answer hesitantly.

"Could I walk you home after school?" He asks out of nowhere.

"Um, sure.. why not," I say shrugging acting totally cool about it when I was actually dying in my head

"Alright, that's great," he says smiling his adorable smile, I already knew his smile pretty well thanks to his YouTube videos. I walk up to Rylee when me and Emilio were done talking.

"Emilio just asked to walk me home!" I say excitedly.

"Omg that's great!" Rylee says celebrating with me.

"Oh my god, what do I do? I'm so awkward like 25/8!! I'm gonna make an embarrassment out of myself!" I say getting worried.

"You'll do fine, it's not like this is a test," she says trying to calm me.

"I guess," I mumble while walking to my next class, I had no more classes with Emilio But I did have like 2 others with Ivan, I could already tell them apart, Emilio has a bigger top lip and Ivan's lips are more straitened and slim, also Ivan's hair is more Blonde than Emilio's but from behind there's no differences at all except maybe that Their hair is on opposing sides.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast, I met a girl named 'Maria' and one named 'Tasha' and there also really nice and very pretty.

At the end of the day, I still didn't have a locker yet, so I just walked right outside Emilio and Ivan were outside and I saw Ivan get into a car.. maybe it's a friend, but Emilio walked right up to me and gave me a hug, I had no hesitation to hug back, we pulled back and started walking the way to my house.

"So why'd you move to LA?" He asked

"Well mainly because my mom got a better Job offer here, also because she wanted a 'clean slate' whatever that's supposed to mean," I answered while rolling my eyes.

"Wow, I moved here about 9-11 months ago, 'cause Jake and Team 10," I knew who he was talking about, Jake Paul, CEO of team 10 and teamdom, who lived in a small house in downtown LA, I only knew this because some of the people I watch (YouTube) talked about him slightly.

"I didn't know you were on team 10," I don't like team 10 that much, and I don't believe anything going on about them, I mean maybe Emilio and Ivan could change that but it's not likely.

"Oh, do you like.. not know anything about me?" He asked sadly. Oh so he thinks I'm a fan and he's already taken pitty on me? I don't think so.

"I mean.. I follow you on instagram," I answered.

"Oh.. well what's your instagram, I'll follow you back," he really thinks a follow back is gonna make me feel better?

"Sorry, you have to work for that information," i answered him.

"Ok, I can do work," his accent in that sentence made me but my lip a little (when she get attracted or nervous she bites her lip)

"Mk, we'll see," I say walking into my house that we had just walked to.

"Hey!" He yelled as I was entering my front door I looked at him,

"I live right down the street," he winked.

Shit, team 10 lives right down the street from me, we're gonna hate them just like the rest of the neighbors

Team Ten lives right down the street? Emilio Martinez just walked me to my house? What's happening? I guess I was right.. Maybe Nothing's Impossible after all.

A/N; NO! I do not actually hate team 10, I absolutely love it actually. Jake, Ivan, Emi, Erika, Nick, Chance, Anthony, +, I'm really bad at naming names.. but yeaaaaa....... here this chapters pretty long.

Do people even read these?😂

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