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I heard noises surrounding me as I tried opening my eyes.

"She's waking up!" I heard someone yell.

"Get her some water!" I heard someone else say.

I'm passed water as I realize I'm in an ambulance on our way to I can only assume a hospital.

"What's going on?" I can barely speak.

"Shhh, don't worry about that, but you will have to get stitches and/or staples due to the blood loss," blood loss? Where? I try to look down but my head was spinning. I want Emilio, I don't know what happened and I don't think he did either.


I was in the hospital room asleep, I felt a hand grab mine. My eyes fluttered open to a very worried looking Emilio. He looked relieved and happy once I had opened my eyes.

"Are you ok? Do you need anything?" He asked urgently.

"Water, but none of that cheap shit I need Fiji," I told him and he laughed.

"You can't not have attitude can you?" He chuckled out.

"Not even in this situation," I said as I looked at me. I could tell I was a mess, I couldn't wait to leave.

"I'll be back babe," he says leaving the room to get me water. My phone dinged and I picked it up.

Unknown; See what I can do? Don't tell anyone about this or it'll be worse, way WAY worse. You'll be in the hospital and only your body'll leave.

Me; why are you doing this to me?

Unknown; I'll explain later, trust me.

Emilio walked back in and I rushed to put my phone down.

"They only had smart water," he said.

"Well fuck them," I rolled my eyes as he laughed, I love making him laugh he's adorable and I'll do anything I can in order to at least make him smile.

He suddenly got a more serious face and looked at me looking deeply into my eyes. He reached out and grabbed my face lightly his thumb gently stroking my chapped and busted lip, he looked hurt even though I was the one to have staples and stitches. (stitches in lip, staples in chest)

"This'll never happen again, this is all my fault," he says making me sad as well.

"This isn't your fault. it's not yours, mine, Chance's, or anyone else that was there," I knew who's fault it really was, Mine. I'm who led the person, whoever it was, to the house, now I was facing the consequences.

"Who else is here?" I don't expect much, my moms probably not here, maybe Ivan and Chance'll be here.

"Everyone, like team ten wise," what? Why? Was Chance in the ICU too?


"They're all worried about you," he says grabbing my hand.

"What exactly happened after he hit me?"

"Well, you hit the ground hard and I woke up. I saw you on the ground and blood coming out of your shirt, but once I got up the person ran out of the back doors and through the side yard. I yelled for everyone to come and I saw Chance come out of the garage and he said the police were on their way. Everyone came down and the ambulance was here too, I picked you up you felt so lifeless and it made me so weak but I made it to the ambulance, they said they'd take it from there and they took you here, you were in surgery till about an hour ago and You've been asleep then you woke up and that led us here,"

"Can everyone come in?"

"Of course, I'll go get them," he said and got out of his seat and left the room for a minute or two till him and everyone else came in. There was little room for everyone but they all somehow managed.

I got words from everyone about it, things like 'so happy you're okay' or 'feeling better? That's great' and sometimes a 'I'm so sorry, proud, and grateful you were there' but that was only from Jake and Tessa, I like that Tessa and I are friends, I guess.

A nurse walks in and everyone gets quieter.

"You'll be able to go home but if you start getting head aches call your doctor but if it's not very serious just go into a quiet room and/or breathe," I let a sigh of relief out, I hate hospitals they make me feel weak, especially if I'm the one in it.

"We have your clothes in the back but they're bloody and were cut open so they need washed. You may need someone to bring you some new ones," I look to Emilio.

"Emi, bring me one of your hoodies and some jeans from my house," I say handing him my key. Jake volunteered and drove him off.


I changed into Emilio's hoodie, it was his gray thrasher one it was obviously his favorite and it still smelled like him.

I walked out and everyone could tell I didn't wanna be in there a minute longer so they already started the team 10 van. I got a sudden text message;

Unknown; you like all this attention don't you? I did you such a favor.

I'm really starting to get tired of this person and I wasn't scared either, Emilio grabbed my hand tightly as I laid my head on his shoulder, I want this whole thing to be over, but I know it only just started.

A/N; I'm tired as shīt but here.

Do people even read these?😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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