Chapter 11 ~ Fans

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{Yoongi's Pov}

Y/n wanted to go out and get some food while the others and I went to practice at the studio. When she had mentioned it I had told her that I was going with her. She tried to convince me to stay and work but me being extremely stubborn and a bit protective, objected to the idea and took her down to the nearest store. There was a silence but it wasn't awkward, it was more comforting and nice. I intertwine my fingers with hers and pull her a bit closer to me, a small blush spreads on her cheeks and we both smile.

"OH MY GOD MIN YOONGI!!!" I turn around and see a girl who was probably a teenager holding her phone out taking pictures. I could feel Y/n freeze and begin freaking out. I turn back around pulling Y/n along with me through the half busy streets trying to get away from the crazy fan. I pull Y/n into a small alley and hear the girl run completely past us. Sighing loudly I stare at Y/n who seemed to be a bit shaken up.

"Damn it, I thought today was going to be calm" I sigh looking passed the corner of the wall guaranteeing that the girl as gone. "I'll text Jin and ask him to pick us up, don't worry you did nothing wrong it's just, fans can get crazy sometimes."

"No it's fine I just wasn't expecting that." Y/n sighs tightening her grip on my shirt.


{Your Pov}

Yoongi and I got back to the studio accompanied by Jin, meeting up with all the others in their dance studio.

They were all practicing a dance and seemed to be working really hard. I mean REALLY hard. Everyone watched each others movements carefully and when someone messed up the others would go through the steps one by one to makes sure everyone knew what to do and how to do it.

To be honest, just sitting there watching everyone work hard was mind blowing and completely inspiring. I couldn't take my eyes off them, especially Yoongi. I could tell that dancing wasn't his favourite thing to do but he worked really hard to make sure he was focused, even though Yoongi kept glancing at me and smiling from time to time, almost losing his focus.

Everyone took a break and sat by me to rest for a bit. Jimin sat down next to me scrolling through his phone while Yoongi rested on my shoulder.

"Hyung look at this" Jimin shows Yoongi his phone and made him move himself up so he was now sitting against the wall.

" 'Bts' Min Yoongi (Suga) spotted out in public with suspicious looking girl ' What the hell!" Yoongi's eyebrows raised and he took the phone from Jimin's hands. He scrolled through looking through page and page of whatever was written.

"Yoongi what is it?" I get up and stand behind him getting a better view of the screen. Yoongi paused and passed me Jimin's phone and sat down where he was previously with Jimin. I looked down at the screen seeing a few photos of Yoongi and I walking down the street, holding hands and some of him pulling me closer towards him.

There were small articles in between the photos. Some saying: 'Strange girl spotted with idol, reporters yet to find out all the answers' or others saying 'Are Bts members actually allowed to date?'

"The girl from earlier." Yoongi sighs as I pass Jimin his phone back so he could read the article for himself. "This is one of the reasons I hate crazy fans"

"Is this bad?" I ask with a worried look.

"Well, it depends on the way fans see this article. Some fans will think of it as dumb gossip that will die down in a few days. Others will make a huge fuss about it and got completely crazy. So one way or another, I think it's kinda bad." Namjoon sits beside me with a blank expression.

"I wouldn't worry about it that much. I mean they don't even know anything about you so what harm can happen." Jungkook laughs nervously. "I would just be a bit more careful when you go out in public."

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