Chapter 17 ~ 。。。

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{Your Pov}

2 years later

"I just don't know what to do." I sit in front of Jimin and Jungkook praying for their advice.

"I really don't know Y/n, I really thing you should be talking to the hyungs not us," Jimin spoke quietly. "I'm sorry we couldn't help"

"It's okay. I should have thought you wouldn't know." I laugh and they do so too. The two get back to their game or whatever they were doing as I try to find Namjoon or Jin.

Yoongi, Taehyung and Hoseok had left to get things for dinner and I decided to stay with the others. Yoongi and I didn't live with the other members but we did live close so we often came over to visit.

Yoongi thought something was wrong with me, I didn't talk much to him when he woke up and after that I was relatively quiet.

I found Namjoon in the kitchen reading a book. I lightly tap him on the shoulder grabbing his attention.

"I know Jin told you so can you please help me figure out what to do?" I whine taking a seat next to him.

"I don't think it's a big deal. I think it will be fine don't worry" He rubbed my back in a comforting way making me smile.

"Thanks, you gave better advice than those dumb maknae's" I chuckle making him laugh. I look down at my fingers, fiddling with the small ring on my middle finger. The memories of that day was the one thing I could never forget.

When he got down on one knee, "I love you so much, will you marry me?" My heart flutters remembering his cute face as he said those words. It's been so long yet It feels like time slows down with Yoongi. Of course he was busy every now and then but whenever he had time he would spend it with me or sleeping.

"We're back!!" Hoseok yelled from the door. Yoongi and Taehyung followed into the kitchen.

"We would have been back sooner if someone didn't take forever arguing over stuffed toys." Yoongi turns to face Hoseok who was hugging a small stuffed penguin with a huge smile on his face. We all lightly chuckle together causing  Jimin and Jungkook to walk into the kitchen wondering what was so funny.

Jin walks in later as we were all talking. He looks in the bags that were from the shop and started to make dinner and of course I helped while the others were in the living room.

"Y/n I heard from Namjoon that you were nervous about talking to Yoongi. You're never this nervous, you shouldn't be, he is your husband after all." He whispers to me while cooking and I cut the vegetables.

"I don't know. It's just that I don't know what his reaction will be." Jin nods in agreement. Yoongi can be unpredictable when guessing his reaction towards anything.  "But when I do tell him, I want you all to act as if you didn't know. I've already told the others about it" I hear a small laugh from Jin.

"Sure Y/n. Anything for you." Jin gives me a small hug before returning to finishing dinner. He really was like a second mother to me.

We set the food on the table and get straight to eating. When everyone finished I slowly stood up making everyone come to an awkward stop midway conversation.

"Guys now that we're all together I have something I want to announce," I look around, Yoongi looked really confused whereas everyone else looked excited. "I- Umm.... I-I'm pregnant" I say while nervously playing with my hands. There was a small silence before it was broken by everyone but Yoongi gasping in surprise.

I look down at Yoongi and see that he was dumbfounded. He looked up and stared at me directly in the eyes as he stood up.

"Are you serious?" He says, not believing me. I slowly nod and turn my gaze to the others. "You're kidding right?" Yoongi asks with a small laugh as he questioned. I shake my head, meeting his gaze once again. A huge smile grew on his face and his eyes widened as he tried to process what was happening.

"I'M GONNA BE AN UNCLE!!!!" Taehyung screamed jumping up and down with Hoseok.

"Not technically, but yeah kinda." I say quietly.

I feel Yoongi wrap his arms around me, I could feel him shake slightly.

"I-I can't believe this. I'm going to be a father!" He rests his head on my shoulder and I just nod.

"Congrats man." Namjoon gives Yoongi a half hug along with a smile showing his dimples.

"Was this why you were so quiet today?" Yoongi asks spinning me around to face him.

"Yes. I'm sorry I just didn't know how you were going to react, I couldn't believe it myself when I found out." I feel his tight embrace once again as he lightly kisses my forehead.

"I'm not upset. I'm the happiest in the world." He let go and kissed me.

Everyone was still acting crazy until Yoongi got them to stop. This is by far the happiest I have seen him, he wasn't even this happy on our wedding day, he was really happy but right now he radiated a truly wonderful vibe.

"Hey everyone lets take a picture to celebrate!" Jin calls out to everyone and we all walk out to the living room. Everyone got together in a small group so Jin could take the picture. Right as Jin was going to press the button Yoongi faced me and pulled me into a passionate kiss. Jin took the picture and everyone awed at how cute it was.

I guess this is it now, a new start with a new family. Even though that family consists of seven idiots and someone who was a complete stranger to me. But we're still family nonetheless.

I think this is it for this story. I'm sorry if it seemed rushed but I really liked writing this and loved all the support it has gotten. Currently this book has over 1.14k reads so I'm really happy that this book was somewhat successful and that others enjoyed it.

That's it for now, thank you so so so so much for reading but I may add something at the end so just stay tuned for that....

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