Chapter 15

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We got on the ship and headed home. I was nerves now. Now it was getting real. Now everything will change. I am so real but nerves.

We have been home from a couple days now. We are staying at the castle. We have planned to meet up with all our friends. This will be the first time since the wedding. They were all coming here to hang out.

"Hey you." Nabu said coming into the I was in.

"Hey." I said looking at him.

"I have been looking for you. Have you been in here the whole time?" He asked me.

"Yeah. Just getting a spot ready for everyone to hang out in. They will be here soon. Also knowing my friend Stella. She will try to get my friends here as earlier as possible." I told him.

He snickered at little bit about that and said,


We then heard someone yell my name. I went out to the front of my castle to see everyone. I ran up to my friends and gave them a hug. I was happy to see everyone. We took them into the room I got ready for us to hang out in.

"Layla, I got something for you." Stella said to me. Then the next thing I know my outfit was changing into this summer dress.

I smirked at Stella and said,

"Looks like someone was staying busy when I was away."

"You have no idea." Musa said to me.

"Oh please. You were not arguing when you got free outfits." Stella said to her.

"Yes I love the free part. But hate when you change my outfit without my knowledge like a doll. Last time I checked I am singer not a doll." Musa said to Stella.

"Well you were the one she gets to easier." Tecna said jokely.

"Feel like we are not even here." Roy said from the back of the group.

"Don't worry man. More guys are on their way. We will not be out number soon." Nabu said jokely to Roy.

"Good. It has been Timmy and I against these girls for a while now." Roy said.

"Oh please you never complained until now. You poor boy." I said to Roy.

"So I take it we are waiting on your friends, Nabu?" Timmy asked.

"Yeah. They should be here soon." He said.

"NABU!" We heard yelling down the hallway.

"And that is one of them now. Meaning the rest not that far behind." Nabu said getting up. "Be right back."

*Nabu's POV*

I left the room and went out to the hallway to find my friends walking down looking around and Riven screaming my name.

"Hey guys." I said to them.

They all looked over to me. Then Riven said,

"See told you I could find him."

"More like you lure him out." Brandon said to him.

"Either way. We found him." Riven said rolling his eyes.

"In here." I said going back into the room where Layla and her friends were.

Everyone took a seat and we introduce everyone to everyone. Then Layla said,

"We got you guys a little something when we were on our honeymoon."

"Gifts?" Stella asked us. Layla nodded.

"You guys didn't have too. It was your honeymoon." Bloom said to us.

"We want to Bloom." I said.

"Hey if they wanted to spend money on us. I say let them. It was them choose." Stella said. That made everyone snicker a little bit.

"That's Stella for you." Musa said rolling her eyes. I looked over and saw Riven watching her. I will ask him later about that.

"So everything we got for everyone is something they would like." Layla said. "Do you want to go first or should I?"

"You can." I said.

"Or I can do this." Layla said waving her arms and making bags appear in front of our friends. I smirked. She was a talented fairy. I will not lie about that.

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