Chapter 30

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We then hanged up. I leaned back into Nabu's arm. My mind was going everywhere right now. I was trying to figure out what was going on. Why did Ms. Faragonda need our help? What was going on? Why are the schools being targeted?

When we got the school Nabu and I headed right to Ms. Faragonda's office. I know that is where all the others will be. I knocked on the door to be respectful. We then heard,


I opened then door to see the others were already here. Nabu and I were the last ones to come. I went to the open chair. Nabu came and stood right behind me. I felt him put his hand on my shoulder. I then looked over to Ms. Faragonda.

"I first want to say thank you for coming. I really do appreciate it." She said to us.

"Ms. Faragonda, you know we will be always come back to help. This place has helped make us who we are today." Bloom told her.

"I am happy to hear that. But I do feel that we are in trouble. A few of the students have came down sick. A few from each school. I feel like it is going to just get worse. We really need your help." She told us.

"Do we know what is making them sick?" Tecna asked.

"No. It's nothing we figured it out. So, I am really needing help. Red Fountain and Cloud Tower needs it too." She told us.

"Okay we will help. We should separate and see what we can figure out. A few of us go to Cloud Tower and Red Fountain. The rest stays here. Then we can meet up later after we question and figure out a few things." Bloom suggested to us.

"I think that is the best thing we can do. We need to figure out what the ate, where they have been, try to figure out anything that could help." I said.

We then separated into three groups. I was heading to Red Fountain. Nabu was staying at Alfea seeing if he could help there. When we got to Red Fountain, I headed to talk to the students that came down sick.

We questioned everyone that could here. Also, asked the ones that got sick questions we all headed back to Alfea to regroup. I was looking around the room Nabu was in there. I started to get worried. Please tell me he didn't come down sick.

"So, what did you guys figure out?" Bloom asked us.

"Nothing that didn't seem out of the regular. Just a simple students routine. What about you guys? Anything out of the ordinally at Cloud Tower?" I asked.

We talked for a while trying to match stuff together. Trying to figure out who or how is this going on. Just then Nabu came into the room with Flora. He came over to me and gave me a kiss on the head. He probably know I was worried about him.

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