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Neil's worry was unfounded I thought with a scowl. The little princess lived in a top of the art neighborhood which was highly secure.

So far I've spied several cameras all artfully concealed so that an amateur wouldn't be able to see it and the big buffs at the gate-which was the only entrance- were from a highly trained security company.

'She moved there two months ago and I've been really worried since I've only seen the place in pictures. Won't you set my mind to rest by staying with her?. Just for this night hmm?'

Yeah right. I slowed down when I got to house number 9, hers was 12.

The moment I stopped in front of her house the little wooden gate swung open after the camera beside it flashed red.

Definitely highly secured. I bet the little wooden gate wouldn't be so wooden.

I thought about the big bed at my penthouse in central Manhattan and what I could be doing in it with a blonde woman. But here i was stuck with a bad tempered redhead.

I sighed heavily. The things I do for Neil. I checked the rearview mirror to make sure my scowl was in place. The princess better know I wasn't pleased with this arrangement.



He was scowling when I opened the front door and i barely resisted the urge to slam the door on his face.

Remember he's full of pride Zoe and right now that he has no place to stay he's practically a beggar.

I eyed him. Looking at him one wouldn't know he was rolling in money. He had on black jeans with a white striped t-shirt and black boots. He was a total hottie.

"I'm just going to give you a mini tour" I told him but he didn't reply. Asshole.

"This is the living room" I waved my hand to encompass the large room "through that door is the kitchen and dining. That door leads to the game room"

I eyes him again. He looked like the kind that prefers sports to games. I remember the sleek little car he drove. Whatever.

I moved forward pointing at another door "that leads to the backyard which has a pool" I pointed at the open archway "that leads to the stairs"

I eyed him "there's only one room there-mine so we don't need to go up there. There's a shed outside not far from the pool. It has a bathroom"

I turned to face him and was momentarily startled at how close he was. My heart started pounding.

I cleared my throat "you're going to have to bunk in the game room. It has a long couch that can accommodate your size"

I cringed at the innuendo.

He raised his brow "how come you have a game room but no guest bedroom?"

I crossed my arm over my chest defensively "That's none of your business"

He rolled his eyes and stalked off muttering something about spoiled princesses under his breath.

I glared at his back "I have ears you know?" A lot of people call me a spoiled princess to my face and I didn't give a damn but somehow, the idea of him thinking I was one made me mad.

How dare he judge me?. I desperately wanted to prove him wrong.

He ignored me walking to the kitchen. I rolled my eyes as I followed him.

The Last Touch #3Where stories live. Discover now