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"Come on Charlotte. Don't be like that."

"No Zo. I refuse to become a charity case."

I laid my hand over her right hand on the table "I can't believe you'd think that Lottie. You are not and could never be a charity case. I watched you grow up remember?."

I leaned over the table and placed a hand on her cheek softly "you're like a sister to me."

She sighed "Zoey..."

"Please" I cut her off before she can refuse again "think of it as your birthday gift."

Charlie and I finally met up and now she's arguing with me about over helping.

She rolled her eyes "my birthday is still four months away."

"Then think of it as an early birthday gift."

She scoffs "who gives someone a house as a birthday gift?."

"It's NOT a house. Really!. It's a tiny cottage I haven't been to in ages. I had to hire some people to clean out the dusts and air the place out. It's practically rotting."

I widened my eyes dramatically "it needs the warmth and love of a family."

She sighed again "fine. We'll rent it from you."

I recoiled hurt by her suggestion "wow."

Something must have shown in my expression because she became mellow and guilt was etched on her face "Think about it from my position Zo. You've footed the bill for my high school. Not just to any high school but to a private one on the upper east side."

I shrugged slightly embarrassed "I got you fired from per say. It was the least I could do."

"and" she continued like I didn't say anything "now you're planning to give my mom and I a whole house? I feel like a total gold digger."

I sigh slumping back in my seat "how could you be a gold digger when getting you to accept gifts is like pulling a tooth?. But if paying rent will make you feel better fine. I warn you though the house is really small."

She smiled at me gratefully "Thank you Zoey. For everything. I really appreciate it and I'm sorry if I seem ungrateful. I promise to pay you back when I start earning a salary."

I wisely bit my tongue and nodded. No need telling her I won't accept her money.

"So. Your rent is ten dollars per month."

"Zoey!" She exclaimed her eyes going wide with shock.

"What?" I asked innocently "the house is small, I don't use it and I don't need the extra income. I agreed to you paying rent because I want you to be comfortable in your new home."

"I know that but ten dollars? That's too small for a studio apartment on the bad side of New York not to talk about a house on the upper east side"

I rolled my eyes at her "That's my last offer. Take it or I might reduce it to five dollars"

She stood up and enveloped me in a tight hug "thank you so much pippy." she said using her childhood nickname for me.

My hands tightened slightly around her waist.

"Do you want to go check the house out now?." I asked when we pulled out of the hug.



I stopped the car at the large gate of the stone cottage and rolled down my window so I could put in the code.

The Last Touch #3Where stories live. Discover now