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My office phone shrilled and I absentmindedly accepted the call still leafing through a pamphlet about a potential new place to obtain.

"Sir?. Your three O'clock is here."

My head snapped up in surprise. It's three already?.

"Thank you Janis. I'll be there soon"

I stand up taking my briefcase as i walked out of my office to the conference room.

I opened the door silently observing the guy I was supposed to meet. He looked to be in his mid forties and was arguing with a woman.

Wasn't he supposed to come alone?.

I cleared my throat to gain their attention as I walked in. They both turned to face me and I sucked in a sharp breath.

What was she doing here?.

She also looked surprised to see me but quickly masked it. Hmm, interesting.

The guy stood up with a mile wide smile "Mr Hunt?, so nice to finally meet you"

I raised my eyebrow at his outstretched hand and he awkwardly put it down.

"I thought we were supposed to meet alone?" I asked.

"Yes but my urm...my R&D manager decided to come along at the last minute"

I accessed him coolly "incase you didn't know before I hate being taken by surprise at a meeting. When this was scheduled we agreed on you alone."

"We're sorry for the imposition Mr Hunt but my boss can be quite too trustful sometimes so I decided to come along for this meeting. If you like we can reschedule" Zoe said which was met by a chuckle from her boss.

I switched my attention to Zoe.

She was wearing a short black dress that stopped above her knee. No cleavage showing. Her beautiful long auburn hair was put up in a tight no-nonsense bun. Shame.

Her expressive grey eyes were shuttered. She looked cool and collected. The epitome of professionalism.

So why did I still find her hot?.

I walked to the long conference  table in the middle of the room and sat down at the tall CEO chair I had installed.

"As I said earlier I hate being surprised Mr Steele, so for your sake I hope your proposal is flawless"


My surprise at seeing Eli was quickly masked. He looked slick and polished. The rich, ruthless CEO.

Urgh. Rick could have given me a more detailed heads up other than 'the ceo is a ruthless man. Your coming with me is probably going to throw him off balance which is going to irk him. So you have to charm his socks off.'

Despite his toffee colored eyes being glacier cold Eli was still...well Eli.

"Our proposal was written by me so i assure you that it's flawless" I told him coolly as I sat by his right side while Rick sat opposite me.

He raised his brow at me his eyes twinkling with something akin to amusement. I resisted the urge to glare at him. It just wouldn't be professional.

"Is that right miss...?"

So he's going to act like he doesn't know me huh?.

The Last Touch #3Where stories live. Discover now