Chapter Eleven

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We wait in the front hall of the shelter with our suitcases, wearing our winter coats. I am both nervous and excited. It's starting to snow rather heavily and I wonder if Lyndon might be late picking us up. Matt senses my unease and sticks to me like glue. I fuss with his mitts and scarf wondering if I should keep him from school today. It might be better since no matter how I reassure him, the move has him agitated.

Before I can decide, I spot Lyndon's Mercedes-Benz SUZ pull up out front and my face breaks out into a smile. He puts the flashers on and makes his way over to greet me. I start gathering what I can but it's nearly impossible when Matt clings desperately to my thigh.

"Good morning," Lyndon says, letting in a swoosh of flurries and cold air as he opens the storm door and steps inside. I feel an odd flutter in my chest at the sight of him in his dark wool coat, his shoulder-length black hair covered in snowflakes. I get a subtle whiff of his aftershave and I breathe it in. In my mind, I envision him as my knight in shining armour coming to rescue me and take me to his castle where he'll keep me safe. It's ridiculous and childish, I know. But he looks the part and, well, a girl can dream. Especially if dreams are all she has.

"Hi, how was your drive?" I say as he grabs for both suitcases.

"Slippery. We should get going. The roads are quite slick." He's all business and I nod, take Matt's hand and follow. As we leave, I take one last look over my shoulder, hoping to never return.

"Come on, Matt. Let's hurry. Mr. Grace's car is nice and warm." Lyndon smiles as I say this while he places our bags in the back. He comes to our side and opens the back door for us. That's when I notice the child's car seat. I stop short. It wasn't there yesterday.

Seeing the question in my expression, he explains, "I bought it after I dropped you off yesterday. I figured we'd need it to drive Matt back and forth to school."

"Oh, wow, thanks. How thoughtful of you." He then turns, and without warning, picks up my stunned little brother and fastened him in.

"Well, it is the law," he says, shutting the door.

My brother immediately starts to cry, silent tears streaming down his face. My heart breaks. My mind races. Matt doesn't understand. He hates being manhandled. He probably thinks he's being taken away from me. I'm torn. I don't want to offend Lyndon, but my brother... I can't just stand by and pretend everything is okay. I take my chances and step in.

"Aw... shit, did I do something wrong?" Lyndon asks as I re-open the back door.

"No, it's nothing," I say as I lean in and dry my brother's tears. "Don't cry, Matt, It's okay. I'm coming with you."

"Come on, Evelyn, we gotta move," Lyndon says from behind me.

Normally, I would get in the back seat with Matt but since his child safety seat is in my way, I stroke his cheek one time before shutting the door and scrambling into the passenger seat. Once inside, I turn so my worried little brother can see me. Lyndon gets in and starts to drive.

"I'm sorry, kiddo," he says, wincing into the rearview mirror. "Didn't mean to frighten you."

"He'll be okay. He's just worried. Having to move again, well, he doesn't understand."

"Didn't you explain?"

"I tried. But he is only four."

"Right... well, we'll have you both settled in soon enough," Lyndon says as much to Matt as to me. "You'll have your own room and everything." He's trying to appeal to Matt and I appreciate his effort. When Matt doesn't acknowledge him, he deflates and defers his attention to the road.

"Thank you again, Lyndon," I say, speaking for both of us. "For this opportunity."

"Don't thank me yet," he says with a guarded smile. "I'm not always easy to live with. But you'll soon find that out for yourself."

"I'm sure we'll all get along just fine," I say in response. I honestly hope it's the case. I want this to work. This has to work.

When we arrive at Matt's school, I hesitate. When Lyndon looks at me, I turn to Matt and he's starting to cry again. "I don't know if I should just keep him with me today."

"Hey, I have a better idea," says Lyndon. "Why don't we take him in together? I... I might have to pick him or drop him off now and again. It would be best if you introduced me to his teacher or the principal so they don't call the cops on me." Once again, his thoughtfulness stuns me. He's obviously thought a lot about this.

"Wow, Lyndon? You would do that?"

"Of course, you know, since you might be busy with Hope," he says softly and I can see his vulnerability showing itself in his face. I hear it in his voice. It hits me again, just how much he wants this to work too. He's being super nice and accommodating because he needs this to happen. The realization touches me deeply. Once again, I realize how much we need each other.

Knowing this, I nod and place my hand on his forearm. Then the three of us make our way into the school. As we walk through the halls, the mothers and teachers we pass all turn and literally swoon at the sight of my tall, handsome companion. I can't help but smile a little as he nods politely at them. "So, this is kindergarten," he says, smiling down at all the little kids. "Is this a good school? I wonder if Hope will like kindergarten?"

"It's okay. Matt seems to like it. At least, I think he does."

Everything Lyndon says and does is with his daughter in mind, I think to myself. Lucky little girl... I certainly hope she grows up appreciating her father. Not every child is quite so lucky. With that thought, I give Matt's hand a squeeze. After I introduce Lyndon to Matt's flustered teacher, Mrs. Riley, I give Matt a big hug and reassure him that I'll see him later. While he's still not quite convinced, he eyes both me and Lyndon warily before he silently nods. We then make our way into the school office where I introduce Lyndon and get him signed in as an approved guardian.

When we get back into his Mercedes-Benz SUZ, he turns to me. "Before we head home, would you like to grab a coffee? Mavis won't mind if we're a bit late. It's her last day so we won't be long."

"Um, okay," I agree since I'm sure he wants to ask me a few questions while we're alone. I just hope he's ready to hear the answers.


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© 2017 Whispers from the Heart by Maria Bernard. All rights reserved. ISBN: 978-0-9938067-6-6

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