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Yellow people of Wattpad!

I literally have 7 pieces of homework and a project to do already.....and it's my second weeks back...


So that's why I haven't updated. I'm sorry, and I think that I won't be updating every few days..it's probably going to be either every week or every 2 weeks.-idk, I've just come from school and I'm messed up ok!

I have no questions for me, neither Mayo-feel free to ask any questions!

But I want to ask something-would you rather have long chapters but update twice a month or short chapters once a week???

Comment your opinion below plz.

Anyway, here is the chapter!

"Let go Ari!" Alex yelled at me. I hugged onto the banister, refusing to let go.

"NO! I DON'T WANNA GO SCHOOL!" I screamed as he tried pulling me off. (Srsly me on my first day. My brother had to pick me up, drag me along the garden and lock me in the car as the neighbours shook their heads-they're used to it)

He had enrolled himself and was going to be going to my school for my 'protection'.

Protection my butt

Pfft, I can knock a person out with my fist........if I punched them a good few hundreds of times.

"If you go to school, then you can have a whole cheesecake when we get home."

I was half way out the door.

He was driving a car today-mainly because I refused to have Fred drive us since it would be weird having a chauffeur.

Outside parked up was a black Ferrari.

Ugh, these boys and cars.

I got into the passenger seat, waiting for Alex to get in. A few minutes later, he got in the car, a frustrated look in his face.

"You know, if you told me about the cheesecake earlier,
I would have just got in," I chirped, looking at him. I heard him mutter something on the lines of 'children these days.' After what seemed like millenniums, he started the car and drove off.


Stupid Math.

Did I tell you what Math really means-


Yeah, I don't understand why this customer at Tesco would want to know how much 3 loads of breads cost divided by the number of tin cans in the score.


The bell finally rung, indicatin that it was lunch. I was the first one out. The boys weren't back, but Alex basically had the same rules.

"Hey Cara, hey Drew," I greeted as I sat down next to them. I wasn't hungry, so I'll probably just talk.

"Hey Ari."

Alex came and sat down next to me. He had a lot of food on his plate-no surprise there. My friends knew Alex, but they weren't that close.

"Hey guys," he mumbled, food coming out of his mouth. I rolled my eyes as they others greeted him back.

Looking around the canteen,
I saw all the girls gawking at Alex. They were saying stuff like 'OMG he's so hot,' 'is he single?' 'Why does Ariella related to really hot guys. I mean, she's ugly so she's probably adopted.'

People these days.

"So, how was first day of school here?" I asked Alex as he ate his pasta.

"So, how was first day of school here?" I asked Alex as he ate his pasta

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(Felt like putting one in)

"Boring. Yours?" He answered and I just answered with a shrug.

Bored, I decided to turn to Drew and get him to help me with my science homework. I hate Biology.

The canteen was very loud until the doors open with a BAM! You gotta be kidding me.

Damn, why can't life just give me a break!

This is a short chapter, well, I might do them a bit longer actually. About 1000 words . If I had these chapters, then I'd update at least every week.

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