New friendships

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Another paper plane hits the side of Sam's head. He keeps his eyes trained on his essay, resisting the urge to check what was on it.
Another piece of paper hits the side of his head, this time it was in the form of a scrunched up ball. Followed by another, then something harder hits Sam and he winces, rubbing the spot where the hard missile had hit him. Looking down, he spy's the lollipop that had fallen onto his lap. Narrowing his eyes, he picks it up and gives Gabriel a look that said, 'are you serious?'.

Gabriel smirks back, wiggling his eyebrows as he pops his own lollipop in his mouth. He motions for Sam to open the plane, and mimics reading a note.
Sam bites the inside of his cheek to stop himself from smiling at Gabe as he gives in and opens the paper plane under his desk. Sure enough, there was a note written in Gabe's rushed, yet neat, handwriting.

So, are you sure you don't wanna be friends? Because you know you ain't getting rid of me now, I happen to want to be your friend, and I also happen to know that you secretly love me :D Pls help me prank Mr Brittish douche up there ^^

Here, have a lollipop as a peace offering and promises of our new, budding friendship

Sam rolls his eyes, only Gabriel would use treats as peace offerings, but at the same time Sam couldn't help but feel a warm feeling igniting in his chest as he re-read the note. For the first time since they'd first started shifting around, he let himself have a little bit of hope that Gabriel really could be his friend, for the first time, someone was trying to be his friend and it felt nice.

So Sam looks over at the golden haired prankster and offered him a small smile before unwrapping the lollipop and shoving it in his mouth. Gabriel's grin widens, his eyes lighting up.


Detention finally ends, and Sam hurriedly shoves his work into his bag, unusually untidy for him, and swings out of his seat, bag on back. Gabe slows down, waiting for Sam as he heads out of the room, and Sam surprises himself by happily walking with him.

"Samsquatch, am I finally growing on you?"

Sam feels a blush creep up the back of his neck, "maybe, but don't expect much, I still dislike you and being sociable."

Gabe burst out laughing, patting Sam on the shoulder, "I like you Sammy, I feel like this is the starting of a beautiful friendship."

Sam rolls his eyes, "don't get to far ahead of yourself Gabe," he says in a flat tone.

"You called me Gabe, that, my friend, is a sign that you don't dislike me all that much."

"Shut up," but Sam was grinning as he says this. Despite what he has said about Gabe, he couldn't deny the feelings bubbling up every time they talked. He wasn't sure what, exactly, they were, but they sure as hell weren't ones of hate.

Dean was waiting in the impala when Sam and Gabriel exited the school. He slides out of the car, giving Gabriel the stink eye as the two boys reach him.
"So, you got my little brother detention huh?"
"Sorry Deano, I didn't think Mr Ketch would just punish Sammy, it was my fault."
Sam blinks, Gabriel wasn't really the type to apologize.
Dean looked surprised with Gabe's words too, because instead of launching into his overprotective, don't hurt Sammy speech, he simply glares at Gabe and gets into his car.
"Bye Gabriel." Sam murmurs.
"Wait, Samantha, I'll see you tomorrow?" Gabriel shifts his bag nervously, an unusual gesture for him.
"Uh, yeah I guess I'll see you tomorrow... Gabe."
Gabe grins and slips another piece of paper into Sam's hand before turning and walking off. Sam shoves the note into his pocket to read later and he climbs into the car.
"What's with you being all friendly with that Novak kid? I thought you hated him."
"People change Dean, besides you became besties with Gabe's brother, Castiel."
"He hadn't watched Sherlock, I couldn't allow that," Dean pulls out of the School's parking lot, shooting Sam a dry look.
Sam chuckles, shaking his head at his older brother.
"Although, I've gotta say Sammy, it is good to see you getting along with someone other than Charlie and I."
"Yeah well, Gabriel is persistent," Sam says, looking out the window with a small smile.
"Hm, I still don't really like it, be careful with him Sammy."
Sam rolls his eyes, "you don't have to be so protective all the time, I can look after myself."
"I'll always look out for you Sammy, it's my job."
With this, Dean cranks the music up and Sam watches the houses roll by for the rest of the short drive.


The next day, Sam walks to his first class, English with a small smile on his face. Why? Because Gabriel had ambushed Sam at his locker and had been chattering about his pranks the entire walk to class. Normally Sam would be annoyed by this, but he found himself entertained with Gabe's ridiculous tale about the time he had pranked his oldest brother, Lucifer, by putting dye in his shampoo, and then placing a bucket full of eggs and feathers above the door. Long story short, Lucifer had blast through the door angrily, and ended up looking like a monster emerging from the chicken pen.

"And then, I had to hide from him for days, it was terrifying having an angry Satan on my trail."

Sam laughs quietly as Gabriel finishes telling the story, his face animated as he moved his hands around expressively. Sam found himself smiling at the way Gabe's eyes lit up as he smiled and laughed.

"So, why would you prank him if he has this temper?"

"Because, my dear Sam, pranking is what is I do," Gabriel grins at Sam, and not that Sam knew, but Gabriel was secretly happy that the Moose man had started talking to him.

"And, just wondering, who the hell calls their kid Lucifer?"

Gabe shrugs, "My parents are big on meaningful names and when we were babies, they were kinda religious, so they called Lucifer after the light bringer angel. Personally, I don't think it's fair to make us live with all the Satan jokes, he really take it too far."

Sam chuckles again, "wow, thats cruel."


The two walk into the classroom, Sam took his usual seat by the large window, once again near the back of the classroom. Gabriel slides into the spare seat beside him, and for once Sam doesn't argue.

Mr Metatron strolls into the room, a smug look on his face as always. Everyone hated having him as their teacher, he was what many called a douche, and he was very serious about his writing. 

As the roll call starts, Gabriel shoots Sam a wry look and subtly pops yet another sweet into his mouth.



Hey all, I was so tired as I wrote this as I had just finished another busy day at work, this time in a recycling plant :/

Only one month until Supernatural Season 13 premiers!

Peace out, Wayward Readers!!

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