Tricksters get Tricked

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Sam slumps against the closet wall. Yes, an actual closet that his loving brother had shoved him into. Gabriel was sitting in front of the door, having given up on trying to get out an hour ago, his voice almost hoarse from shouting.

Maybe an explanation was in order... you see, when their siblings and friends piled angrily into their room they decided that the two tricksters needed to be given a taste of their own medicine. Dean particularly wanted to do something to get back at them for locking him and Cas in the bathroom.

Which is how they'd come up with the closet idea, pun intended. Lucifer and Michael had grabbed Gabriel, Dean and Charlie got Sam, and together they'd lugged the two over to the hall closet, throwing them in and shutting the door before either could escape. Lucifer had locked the door, and left the two confused teens with a warning.

"If you guys somehow manage to escape, be warned that there is a prank of your own making waiting for you the moment you open this door."

And then, everyone had left. Sam and Gabe had started banging on the door, calling out for their brothers.

"Cassie! Luci! Why don't you let us out!? What is even funny about this?" Gabriel calls out as he pounds on the door. "We aren't exactly in the closet anymore, we've both embraced the rainbow so whats the point of locking us in here?"

But there was no answer, and no matter how loud they yelled or how hard the hammered on the door, there was no reply. Sam gave up after 30 minutes, resigning himself to sitting on the floor, his back against the wooden wall. Gabriel stuck at it for another 30-40 minutes, slowly getting quieter before he finally gives up, slumping down in front of the door with an annoyed huff. And that's how they ended up here, stuck back in the closet.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Gabriel asks, a pout falling across his face.

Sam shrugs, closing his eyes and trying to get comfortable. "I dunno," he murmurs quietly. "Knowing Dean, we'll be here for a while."

Gabriel sighs dramatically, "and knowing Luci, we'll rot in here, forever forgotten... hey maybe Adam should be here."

Sam scoffs, "that's mean."

"Yeah, well they locked us in here."

"They'll let us out, eventually."

".... I'm hungry, oh god we're gonna starve to death in this cramped room."

"We're not going to starve Gabe."

"We are Sammy, we'll die here together..."

Sam snorts, "you're being over dramatic." 

After that, it was silent for a while as they contemplated their situation. Sam really wasn't all that surprised at his brother, but he was surprised at how little Dean had said about the Impala, surely they should be getting worse than being locked in a closet? This got him thinking about the prank that was supposedly waiting for them. Gabe was apparently having the same train of thoughts.

"Hey, Samoose, what do you think they've got set up on the other side of this door, how bad of a prank can it actually be?"


Gabe turns to look at Sam, "really? That's all you've got, eh?"

"Gabriel, look at what we did and who we did it to and tell me what you think."

Gabe chuckled, "yeah, we kinda caused a lot of chaos didn't we?"
Sam rolled his eyes at his friend before leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"What's got you so quiet Samantha? You're quieter than usual."

Sam bit the inside of his cheek,  "just thinking about how much things have changed since I first met you." It wasn't exactly a lie, he had been thinking about that, but he'd also been thinking about his feelings for Gabe.

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