Chapter 5

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Will soon woke up slowly, with the most painful headache he's had in years. He woke up with a blur to his vision and the smell of death reeked through the air and up his nostrils. Will adjusted his eyes to see the horror that he was about to be revealed to. he was in a dark, dirty, damp room and he was binded to the chair of human remains. Will struggled to against his bindings, hearing the voices he had been hearing for months, but this time, they were more louder and clearer.
"Do I have to keep him!?"
"Yes Jack, he knowing too much to quickly!"
"Buuuuttt I don't want him!!! He's so fat and he's gross smelling"
"He doesn't smell any different than this dump of a circus. Anyways Jack he's awake now, so you gotta go deal with him. And don't you DARE kill him"
With a groan of displeasure, the voices stopped talking. after a small moment of silence, Will could hear footsteps on hard tough dirt come closer to the room Will was stuck in.

The door slowly creaks opens to reveal the horrific monochrome clown from the stories that he's read and heard. The clown who Will assumed was Laughing Jack, looked at Will with a look of disgust. With a crackled and raspy voice, Jack spoke.
"listen William, I'm sure you don't know where you are and I sure as hell don't want you here, so if you don't talk back to me, I think we might be in an agreement. Got it?". "Y-yes?" Will managed to spill out. "Now give me your questions. I know you have a lot of them." Jack sounded more annoyed after saying what he said.
"How long am I going to be here?"
"as long as I want!"
"H-how do you know my name?"
"That I can't tell you, right now"
"Because you're not ready to know that!" Jack became more annoyed the more Will spoke. With a sigh of anger, Jack asked
"Do you need to use the restroom or do you need to eat something?"
"U-uhm no"
Will, becoming more fearful that this might be his end, mostly kept quiet. Jack sighed, unbinding Will from the chair and left, locking the door behind him. Will now left alone, was now fearing the unknowing of his faith.

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