Chapter 16

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Will, Jack, and along with a few other volunteers, helped unload the delivery vans of the boxes of supplies. Will had stopped helping a bit earlier, due to having an unhealthy lifestyle, but then the others stopped as well because they weren't that strong to carry the rest of the boxes, aside from that one buffed up kid, but the job was done. Professor Pleasant congratulated them for the work they did, and told them their next tasks. Jack, with a few other volunteers, was in charged of decorating, while Will and the rest of the volunteers, were in charged of setting up booths and the entertainment.

Few hours of setting up passed by, and a truck that had a bunch of inflatable entertainments stored inside it drove up to the institution, because there were going to be younger children at this fair. Will mainly set up career booths for careers Will would never imagine be at a careers fair like this. there were booths for hit-men, bounty hunters, morticians, professional stalkers, killers apprentices, and so many other horrifying careers. As Will sat up a booth for a bounty hunter company, Will saw Frankie walk up to the booth.
"Hmm.. did LJ drag you here to help him with this?"
"Uhm yeah.. but how come you're here? you don't seem like the volunteering type."
"Oh no, my boss said that it would be nice of me to come here and talk to the students about being a bounty hunter"
"Wait a second, you're a bounty hunter?"
"Yeah. also, lemme tell you something that i forgot to tell you about, Will"
Frankie put his arm over Will's shoulder, almost leaning against him in that process.
"there's lot's of stuff from Earth that would be illegal, heavily modified, or taboo, but it's fine in the Underworld. Like bounty hunters! on Earth, are only allowed to bring people into police custody, while in the Underworld, bounty hunters are allowed to arrest and kill people. sometimes, they're allowed to torture to get info outta them"
"Yeah. Earth is such a damn baby when it comes to anything, so that's why the Underworld is better."
Will started to become uncomfortable, and shifted a little."Is killing actually legal in the Underworld?!" "Is anyone going to actually kill me?!". These terrifying questions, swung and glided around in Will's head like fruit bats.

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