Chapter 11

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Professor Pleasant had shown Will and Frankie around the Institution, showing them a few classrooms, introduced to a few professors, and introduced them to the dean of the whole place.. But through out that tour, Will felt the bladed man's eyes, watching him from afar, and behind him. He had felt the paranoia coming back; The paranoia crept into Will's mind like a spider slowly making it's web in your home. the spider you spot, but you couldn't kill, and the idea of it crawling around bothers you, mildly.

After the tour of the Institution, Will and Frankie said goodbye to Professor Peasant and left.
"Oh Will, I think it's time for LJ to be back. plus it's getting dark, so d'you wanna go back to the circus?"
"Oh uhm... yeah sure why not."
Will and Frankie walked back to circus. The sky was a light purple mixed with blue, but now as the night turned darker, the more redder it became. The redness of the moon, almost illuminated the buildings and it's windows, and in result, the sky gave the town and the circus, an almost eerie, but clearly sinister feel to them. Arriving to the circus Jack stood wait for both Will and Frankie.
"Oh.. I see you didn't lose him. Did you feed him?"
"Yeah, I did"
"oh good, so Will, how do you feel about the Underworld?"
"I... i don't know. it felt weird walking around the place"
Jack tsked at Will "oh Will. you're new to this place. Give it some time, and you won't feel so weird"
As Jack said that, he placed a claw-like-hand on Will's shoulder. Jack, honestly looked, and sounded happier than he was before. Whatever he did, must've made him feel better.
"So Frankie, would like to stay, and try to get to know each other better?"
"Uhm no. I'm getting tired and I've got shows that are about to come on. Me and Will can get to know more information of each other tomorrow or something."
With that Frankie left, now leaving Will alone with Laughing Jack, the unpredictable unstable killer clown, in his almost abandoned circus.

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