Chapter1-Just Smile Dear

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Andy Biersack-

•16 years old


•Short black hair,blue eyes

•Lives in Cincinnati,Ohio

•Only child,raised by his mom Amy

•In a long distance relationship with

Ashley Purdy

•Bestfriends with Jinxx and CC

Ashley Purdy-

•17 years old


•Black hair with red highlights,brown eyes

•Lives in St Louis,Missouri,in an apartment with his bestfriend and roommate Jake

•Long distance relationship with Andy

•Studying music,art and graphic design at college

Andy's P.O.V-

Running straight into my room as soon as I got home from school,I pulled out my apple mac and sat cross legged on my bed. I couldn't help the grin on my face as I turned it on,my Skype account on the screen,still logged in from earlier. Seeing Ashley was online,I pulled out a compact and checked my appearance before quickly running a brush through my hair. I clicked on his account,went contact and waited for our video chat to load.

I smiled into the camera as I saw Ashley appear on the screen. We'd met a long time ago on the website and ever since,we've talked everyday. No one but my closest friends knew I spoke to him and even they had their doubts. They worried so much that they all but forced me to video chat him..and when I did,I was blown away at his beauty. Ashley had naturally tan skin,deep brown eyes,long,raven black hair and plump,pink lips.

Being open about our sexuality's,after months of hesitation I finally asked him to be mine. I was scared that it would never work out at first and I still am,for all I know this may just be a joke to him and he's got the perfect boyfriend in Missouri. However,he still said yes and has made an effort to declare his love for me everyday.

"Hey babe,you okay?" Ashley's soft voice sounded threw the speakers of my laptop and my heart skipped a beat.

"....I'm not really sure Ash.." I sighed and looked down at my plain black bedspread.

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked,his voice saddening noticeably.

"Do you really love me or do you think you can lie because our relationship was built through a computer screen?" I played with my thumbs and picked at the sore skin around my nails in fear of his answer.

"Of course I love you.." He sighed and ran a hand threw his hair,pushing his fringe out of his eyes "I really do Andy..I love how I feel like I can be myself when I talk to you,I love how you can make me smile without even trying,I love how much you brighten up my day! You're beautiful! You have the most amazing blue eyes and the cutest blush fills your cheeks whenever I call you babe..I'm counting the days till I can finally hold you in my arms and tell you in person that I truly love you."

"I'm sorry I asked,Ashley,I love you too." I whispered,only just loud enough for the microphone to pick up.

He leant forward towards the camera and I did the same,our lips touching the screen at the same time..The things I'd do to really feel his lips on mine..

"I swear I'll come down to Cincinnati soon.." Ashley said,sitting back and pulling his knees up to his chest.

"It's okay. I understand things are complicated with college and stuff 'hun."

"One day things will be perfect Ands. I'll hold you in my arms and I'll never let you go. I love you more than anything."

"I love you too."

"I've gotta go now babe but I'll keep texting. It's just that,Jake will be home soon and he's really against long distance relationships. Y' know since his didn't work out.." Ashley mumbled the last part and sighed.

"It's okay,bye hun." I smiled at him in reassurance before ending the chat.

I turned off my laptop and placed it on my nightstand,rolling over and laying back on my bed. Sad as it sounds,I took the pillow from the other side of my bed and hugged it to my chest was my substitute to Ashley. I closed my eyes for what felt like a second,only to be rudely awakened by my 'mom' ten minutes later.

"Hey,faggot! Get up!" She shouted as she shook me violently.

"W-what?" I asked,sleep clouding my voice.

"I'm going out fat ass! So you need to come down and lock the door.." She slurred,clearly drunk "I'll be back in the morning."

Amy (my mom) grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me down the stairs,throwing me down the last few steps. She stomped out the door and crawled into what I recognised as her boyfriend Mark's car. Stumbling to my feet,I shut and locked the door before running back upstairs.

I walked into my room and stood in front of the full length mirror that ran down the side of my wardrobe. Clutching my stomach,I poked at the large amount of flab.

'She's right,you're way too fat.' A small voice at the back of my head sneered.

'You're not good enough for him,I hope you know that.'

'You're not good enough for anyone.'

The voice in my head was right but I'd made a promise to my friend that I wouldn't cut and I intended to keep to it. A tear slipped down my cheek as I changed into some loose fitting pyjama pants and collapsed onto my bed. I texted Ashley 'night' and finally let sleep overcome me...

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